Requires Unity 2017.4.7 or higher.
Check also our other assets on sale.Trails FX渲染移动对象和角色后面的平滑轨迹
Trails FX renders smooth trails behind moving objects and characters.
It uses GPU instancing and use correct transparency order, creating mesmerizing, long and performant trails.它使用GPU实例和使用正确的透明度顺序,创建催眠,长和性能跟踪
Trails FX提供了许多选项,允许您创建各种各样的效果,从简单的颜色轨迹到彩虹纹理图章和空间扭曲效果
Trails FX comes with many options which allows you to create a great variety of effects from simple color trail to rainbow texture stamps and space distortion effects.
✓ Works with 3D and skinned mesh renderers.
✓ Compatible with standard/builtin and LWRP pipelines.
✓ Easy to use. Add a script to your moving objects and customize the behaviour and appearance of the trail.
✓ Create profiles to save and reuse settings.
✓ Effect can be rendered in Edit and Play modes, as well as in Scene View.
✓ Demo scene included.
✓ 100% source code included.