本帖最后由 发财 于 2020-3-16 14:53 编辑
插件名称:Tap to richest Complete Project | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 | Tap to richest Complete Project
Tap to richest Complete Project
If you’ve ever wanted to own a game like tap to richest game or clicker game , then this game template for you!
User can upgrade business and click on home to get more money
tap to richest comes with a complete documentation showing you how to setup, customize, reskin and upload your app to the app stores to each key and environment setup for your app.
The game is highly addictive and monetized well with TAPJOY offerwalls. users complete offers to win gems and use them in the game!
The game gives many options to invest gems into features that helps users advance in the game and that makes all the difference!
Get yourself a copy of this game as it built to monetize and to retain long lifetime value from your users!