插件名称:Atmospheric Height Fog 1.6.0 | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 | Atmospheric Height Fog 1.6.0
Atmospheric Height Fog 1.6.0
Atmospheric Height Fog系列索引:
Atmospheric Height Fog 1.9 下载链接
Atmospheric Height Fog 2.1.0 下载链接
Due to multiple depth rendering issues, the fog will not work on Android devices with URP 7.2.0 or higher (Unity bug)! Depth Texture and one of the following URP features need to be enabled for the depth to work properly: Opaque Texture, HDR, MSAA, Post Processing, or Render Scale set higher or lower than 1. URP 7.4.1 is working as expected and recommended for development! 单但美丽的高度雾与定向光和动画噪音支持。高度雾将提供类似体积的效果,同时使用较低的计算能力
Simple yet beautiful height fog with directional light and animated noise support. Height fog will provide a volumetric like effect while using a lower computation power! Built with Amplify Shader Editor, all shaders can be modified with ease to your needs.