Shadow Features:
- Frustum Shadows (screen space traced) with bilateral filtering for all lights types
- A powerful denoiser that act as a separable shadow filter on top of the base filter (multiplying the quality for free)
- PCSS (area-like soft-shadows) and PCF (uniform soft-shadows) filtering for all lights
- AR/VR support for all shadows
- Full Shadows on all platforms where Unity supports shadows (requires SM3.0 or up)
- Cascade Blending on all shadow projections
- Inline sampling support. Avoids duplicating RenderTextures, uses built-in lights depthmaps
- Filter Quality Set: from 4 up to 128 samplers (scales from mobile up to cinematic CG)
- Fast Shadows. Using custom aggressive early bailing out algorithms. Soften shadows only in the penumbra area, skip fragments that are fully lit or fully occluded.