The Vegetation Engine系列索引:
The Vegetation Engine 1.2.0 下载链接
The Vegetation Engine 1.4.1 下载链接
The Vegetation Engine 2.0.1 下载链接
The Vegetation Engine is a set of highly optimized vegetation shaders and tools designed to unify any vegetation asset from the Unity Asset Store, SpeedTree, Quixel Megascans, etc. or custom vegetation authored by your team.
With one-click setup and conversion for prefabs, and with a comprehensive set of modular detailing elements, you will be able to easily add high-quality dynamic-wind motion and interaction with unlimited objects or characters, dynamic seasons, global overlay (snow, sand, dust), global wetness, global healthiness for subsurface control, tinting, HDR tinting for fake Lights or GI, size, distance-based size fade or leaves amount, with minimal performance impact!
With the new Object shaders you can now apply global overlay and wetness to unify the props with the vegetation assets. The new Object shaders have vertex painting (Polybrush or any other vertex painting tool) and top/bottom projection height based blending support for even greater detailing.
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