本帖最后由 神妈 于 2020-12-21 14:37 编辑
插件名称:Easy Roads Mesh Gen 2020.1 | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 | Easy Roads Mesh Gen 2020.1
Easy Roads Mesh Gen 2020.1
Easy Roads Mesh Gen 2020.1 道路河流创建工具
Easy Roads Mesh Gen
Easy Roads Mesh Gen 2020.1
Create roads and rivers without the need of 3D modeling software!
Easy Roads Mesh Gen allows for very fast and easy creation of roads and rivers inside Unity. It has easy to use, simple and organized interface which improves the workflow.容易的道路网生成允许非常快速和容易的道路和河流内统一的创建。它具有易于使用、界面简单、组织有序的特点,提高了工作流程
Just drag the navigation points where you want them and the tool will do the rest. Pick your own texture and apply it on top. As of v2020.1 there is support for basic terrain morphing which greatly reduces the effort required for matching the generated mesh with the terrain.
The tool comes with a free to use road texture.
This version of the tool does not generate crossroads automatically.
If you are updating from an older version, make sure you switch the "Update mode" option to Automatic, this will greatly improve your editor performance while still allowing for realtime mesh update.