Humanoid Control is the next generation of human character control. It will provide you with an effortless setup for having animated characters in your environments.
Compared to Humanoid Control VR, the Plus package adds support for the following devices:
- HTC Vive Trackers
- Vive Hand Tracking
- Oculus Quest Hand Tracking
- Microsoft Kinect 360, Kinect 2 & Azure Kinect
- Leap Motion
- Orbbec Astra 仿人控制是下一代人的角色控制。它将为您提供一个轻松的设置,使动画角色在您的环境中
- Supports all major VR hardware
- Full body rig supporting animations
- Fully configurable controller input
- Gaze/pointing/touching interaction interfaces
- Build-in networking support
- Full physics
Supports Unity version 2017.4 - 2020.1.