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插件名称:psai Music Engine Pro 1.7.3 | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 | psai Music Engine Pro 1.7.3
psai Music Engine Pro 1.7.3
psai Music Engine Pro 1.7.3 专用交互式音乐引擎
psai Music Engine
psai® is the first dedicated Interactive Music Engine on Unity. It enables you to achieve highly interactive music which adapts automatically to your gameplay, whilst making the process of creating and controlling the music as easy and convenient as possible. No coding required.psai®是Unity上第一个专用的交互式音乐引擎。它使您能够实现高度互动的音乐,自动适应您的游戏,同时使创建和控制音乐的过程尽可能简单和方便。无需编码
• written 100% in C#, full source code included
• psai® Music Engine Pro includes the psai® Editor standalone application (currently only for MS Windows, see bottom of this page)