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插件名称:Plant Monster Pack PBR 8.1 | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 | Plant Monster Pack PBR 8.1
Plant Monster Pack PBR v8.1
Plant Monster Pack PBR 8.1 植物怪物模型带动作
Plant Monster Pack PBR is a fanciful character perfect for Fantasy & RPG games. The animations are fluid and realistic, and the customization options are spectacular. Beyond customizing every aspect of the texture, you can create many "levels" of Plant Monster by turning off some of the sub-meshes, like the leaves, thorns, flowers or vines.植物怪物包PBR是一个幻想和RPG游戏完美的幻想人物。动画是流动和现实的,自定义选项是壮观的