OTE: Coding experience is required to properly expand this package.
it is not meant for users that have no programming knowledge or users that have just started out.
Role Playing Farming Kit is a Template for Unity 3D. It is created to expand and learn from. Removing a lot of the legwork you have to do beforehand.
Uploaded and tested with the following versions:
2018.4.16 (LTS)
2019.4.18 (LTS)
2020.3.11 (LTS) - Do note, upgrading to this version gives errors due to a new save system integration. Make sure to backup your project if you update.
Updating the project to 2020.3.11(LTS):
Before upgrading:
* Remove the "Assets/Scripts/Saving" folder
If you have any errors when integrating the package. Follow these steps:
* Open the project in Unity
* Go to Help/Reset Packages To Defaults
* Go to Window/Package Manager and select "Unity Registry" in the drop down on the top left
* Search for Cinemachine and TextMeshPro packages and install them