本帖最后由 满心欢喜 于 2022-10-9 01:15 编辑
What is it?
A collection of Materials and Cloud Volumes for Unreal Engine aimed at replicating a VDB-like actor workflow for highly customizable volumetric skies! From massive vortexes, to distant storm-fronts, from sand storms to wisps we offer a huge variety of stylized and and natural looking clouds in our volume library.
Our CloudScape Actors allow each cloud to be individually placed, moved, scaled,stretched and rotated allowing users to build massive and detailed skies! You can also add per cloud animations as of UPDATE 1
As of Update 3 you we've integrated a tilable cloud function for large scale background clouds you can also edit this function to easily add your own clouds alongside CloudScape Actors. We've also changed the way our detail noise is applied for better and faster visuals! See all the changes here UPDATE 3
As of Update 4 we now have localized volumetric fog material that can be used with static meshes! The fog material can use any volumetric cloud texture and noise distortion available to the cloud actors. These are meant for projects that require smaller scale localized volumetric effects. UPDATE 4