本帖最后由 满心欢喜 于 2022-10-9 01:01 编辑
Our Procedural Road Generator aka PRG, designed for Next Gen Development, allow you to create road like you have never seen before! it features everything you need to create Next Gen Road with an extreme attention to detail generation as well as making your workflow a lot much easier, faster and boosting creativity and productivity! PRG not only allow you to create road but also generates caves, path, tunnels, bunkers and support many more generations!
Can Automatically Replace your old road generator by Using a special designed Editor Utility Blueprint.
Support of Custom Meshes, Blueprints and Quixel Megascans Meshes!
Procedurally Generate Custom Road
Procedurally Generate Custom Path
Procedurally Generate Custom Cave
Procedurally Generate Custom Tunnel
Procedurally Generate Custom Bunker
Support Custom Fence Generation and more generation than you can imagine!
Artist Driven Procedural Road/Spline Generation
Dynamic meshes and Blueprints Spawning
Unified content pipeline
Fully Randomizable Systems
Spline and Array Based
Advanced Material System
Seeded Systems
Non-Destructive workflow
Prefabrication Support
Automatic Road-Bridge Switching
Procedural and Manual Editing supported
Can be baked and/or Merged with UE4 Merging Tools