本帖最后由 满心欢喜 于 2022-10-9 00:56 编辑
MetaLight Studio is a lighting studio designed for MetaHumans and 3D models. You can import 3D models and use it as a showroom; you can set lights properties and add background images. You can then render the scene by simply clicking one button. MLS is useful to create commercial and marketing images for your videogame. It is also useful to create animations on a set in wich you can manage up to six lights and set their intensity, temperature, hue and saturation togheter with several Camera, Color Grading and Background properties.
A lighting studio designed for MetaHumans and 3D models where to easily render images by simply clicking one button.
You can manage up to 6 lights: you can set their intensity, temperature, hue and saturation and move them on every axis around the 3D model.
You can manage several Camera and Color Grading effects, set Background Color and Roll the camera with a Protractor.
You can import your own background images, 360 background images, HDRI images.
You can render Alpha Channel of pictures and videos.
You can import animated models.
The Level Blueprint allows you to set render's resolution.
In-game text Tutorials for best practices.