本帖最后由 满心欢喜 于 2022-10-9 00:52 编辑
This asset allows you to quickly create icons for your assets, whether they are static meshes, skeletal meshes or blueprint actors. These icons can have a transparent background, solid color, or a texture. Square or custom size. 100% made in blueprints.
Create icons for static meshes
Create icons for skeletal meshes
Create icons for blueprints (like blueprints with particles)
Adjust the background: scale, transparency, color, texture
Adjust the post process while editing
Export icons in different formats (you can choose the folder)
Automatically import icons to the project (works only for power of two textures, like 16px, 32px, 64px etc.)
Control skeletal mesh animations to make icons from it
Export icons for all the meshes via bulk export.