蓝图 AI Behavior Toolkit v1.8.3 4.26-4.27 人工智能行为树蓝图

本帖最后由 满心欢喜 于 2022-10-9 00:40 编辑

AI Behavior Toolkit is a plug-and-play, highly customizable, and easy to use AI Behavior system made with Blueprints. Use it to create believable AI characters within minutes. It enables you to create cohesive and responsive AI behaviors and interactions using a powerful Behavior State system and Tagging system.

The toolkit is generic enough to support almost any kind of AI you need, whatever your game may be. Whether you need friendly civilians, loyal companions, strict guards, fierce monsters, or even majestic animals. The toolkit has got you covered.

It was made with existing projects in mind, so it will connect smoothly with whatever you have already built in your game.

Number of Blueprints: 69

List of Features:
Powerful and flexible Behavior State system
Includes 11 built-in Behavior states (Idle, Follow, Flee, Patrol, Seek, AttackMelee, AttackRanged, Defend, Hit, Investigate)
Create any type of NPCs ranging from Civilians, Animals, Companions, Enemies and even Badass Bosses, and more!
Easy to integrate with it's plug-and-play nature. Just add a component!
Includes 7 built-in Triggers (OnSight, LoseSight, Message, Delay, WithinDistance, BeyondDistance, Health)
Behavior Chaining lets you create cohesive and complex AI behaviors
Add animations and audio with ease!
Easily extend or create your own AI Behaviors and Triggers
Create believable and living worlds using Workspaces Actor
Parkour system for AI
Patrol waypoint system for AI
Path Corner actors for triggering AI tasks and events in the scene
AI Spawner to dynamically spawn AI characters
Blueprints and Behavior Tree based
Includes health and damage system
Example RPG, Shooter, Stealth, and Flying AI
AI Parkour system and Ladder system
Rootmotion animation blueprints
Multiplayer support

作者 满心欢喜 发表于 2022-10-2 21:10:44
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