本帖最后由 满心欢喜 于 2022-10-9 00:35 编辑
4 highpoly characters, thin and heavy twig-men and twig-women.
Number of Skeletal Meshes: 4 (1 heavy woman, 1 heavy man, 1 thin man, 1 thin woman)
Animated: YES
Number of Animations: (2) walk & run (also included Epic thirdperson template Animations and modified Blueprints)
Custom Physics Assets: YES
Materials: 2 Master 2 Instances (1 for twig people & one for demo map white)
Textures: 2 ((1) 4k diffuse, (1) 4k Normal)
Heavy Man: 217K
Heavy Woman: 200K
Thin Man: 120K
Thin Woman: 142K