代码插件 Async Loading Screen 1.3.0 非同步加载屏幕

本帖最后由 满心欢喜 于 2022-10-8 20:59 编辑

Are you looking for a loading system without Level Streaming? If yes, then you already found GOLD :)

Normally, you have to use Level Streaming for loading screens due to User Widget is destroyed at level transition, and level loading runs on the main thread, it blocks any other game activities until it's completed. You will need to manually control which object is loaded/unloaded. You can't use different Game Mode, Player Controller for each level, and sometimes there's still occasional freezing.

That said, you may need to change your game logic to fit with Level Streaming mechanic and it requires a lot of works to achieve a simple thing: Add a Loading Screen. To create a custom loading screen without Level Streaming, you have to do it in Unreal C++. However, this is a hard task for artists and designers, even for developers who are not familiar with the Slate framework and engine module code. Async Loading Screen plug-in comes to a savior.

Async Loading Screen allows you to easily configure a Loading Screen System in the project settings, and automatically add a Loading Screen whenever you open a new level. Async Loading Screen also comes with pre-design UI layouts and default icons that make it easy to custom your loading screen in a few minutes.

Easy to set up, easy to use
Customizable layouts.
Customizable loading icons.
Support animating images sequence.
Support on all major platforms.
Easily play movies, audio files.
No need for coding.
No temporary maps, no level streaming.
Automatically handles all level transitions.
Integrates seamlessly with an existing project.
Free and Open Source (Hell Yeah!)

作者 满心欢喜 发表于 2022-10-6 16:09:30
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