The VR Add-On is a set of abilities, movement types, and view types allowing you to use a VR headset and hand controllers with your character controller. The VR Add-On supports both single and dual hand controllers (such as the controller for the Oculus Go and the touch controllers for the Oculus Rift). The VR Add-On has been tested on:
Oculus Rift
HTC Vive
Oculus Go
Even if your target device hasn’t been tested chances are it will work with just an updated button mapping. The VR Add-On supports both first and third person perspective. The VR Add-On uses Unity’s native XR functions and does not require any specific plugins or assets to be imported.
The VR Add-On currently does not support the following:
Physical interactions. This includes:
Physically pulling back a bow
Removing a clip with your free hand
Opening a door by twisting a door handle
First person full body awareness
First/third person perspective switching
PUN Multiplayer Add-On
The VR Add-On is imported into the Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Add-Ons/VR folder. All of the VR scripts are located within the Scripts folder. The Demo folder contains the demo scene and the main Ultimate Character Controller demo scene must be imported in order for this demo scene to work.