脚本/功能 【更新】RoomGen - Procedural Generator 2.6.2关卡生成

插件名称: RoomGen - Procedural Generator
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/level-design/roomgen-procedural-generator-215804
版本: 2.6.2
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-12-2 16:39 编辑

RoomGen - Procedural Generator 系列索引:

RoomGen - Procedural Generator 2.2  下载链接
RoomGen - Procedural Generator 2.6.1  下载链接
RoomGen - Procedural Generator 2.6.3  下载链接
RoomGen - Procedural Generator 2.6.6  下载链接

RoomGen is the easiest and fastest way to create fully decorated rooms or dense landscapes for your game. Configurable presets allow you to fine tune the details while also creating reusable templates so you can create endless variations from the same assets.

*NEW* Room Tile Weights
New weight system allows you to specify a weight for each tile in your level, giving finer control and a more organic feel to the room generation.

*NEW* Object Specific Spacing Buffers
Every decor object in your presets can now specify a spacing buffer to ensure no two items are placed too closely together. Very useful for lining objects up on walls, spacing treasure throughout rooms, and more!

Runtime Generation and API's
New methods allow you to easily regenerate levels using your own scripts using only a few lines of code. Changes are reflected instantly! Update room size, offset, seeds, and more during runtime! Generate new levels every time your scene loads, regenerate props and loot with a button press, the possibilites are endless.

Roofs and Ceilings
Every level of your building can now specify special roof tiles. Ceiling decorations can also be placed along uneven surfaces. This is handy for organic structures like caves etc.

Roof decorations
Hang chandeliers, vines, flags, and more from the ceiling!

Corners and Pillars
Add pillars, fenceposts, and more to corners to further the design control.

A focus on ease of use
RoomGen was designed to be as simple to use as possible. Create a preset, drag and drop your tiles and hit generate. Your levels will build on the fly, and every change you make will be showcased within the editor.

Multi-Story Generation
Expand your room height and add multiple floors with one click! Set room presets PER-LEVEL and precisely build exactly what you want.

Dynamic controls let you specify how tall you want each level to be, add doors and windows to each level, and RoomGen will populate each floor for you automatically.

Drag floors into a different order and RoomGen will rebuild it for you. Adjust entire floor positions to give your building/dungeon some horizontal variance. Quickly design levels and tweak with a non-destructive process.

Floor Level Specific Items and Characters
Working on a boss level? Want to add treasure chests, but only in the deepest depths of your rooms? You can specify a preset for every level. Place a boss only on the top level, or create an entire level of treasure!

Endless Customizations -
Every aspect of the generation process is customizable. Set individual probabilities for each item, specify offsets to work with non-uniform tiles, add scale and rotation variation to items to create more natural looking layouts. Scale your rooms to any size, add tall walls with windows, add in enemies, loot, collectibles, and more!

Perfect for dungeons -
One of the hardest parts of level design is creating variation. With just a few presets, you can create endless variations down to the smallest details. Make a room of all doors, build courtyards, forests, boss rooms, whatever assets you add into the generator, it will put them together for you. Save your designs as prefabs, and place them together to build dungeons in no time at all.

Target Generators
Distribute props quickly within a circular radius, and align props to uneven surfaces like Unity Terrains. TargetGenerators are great for populating landscapes! Select your radius, density, and use the SAME presets used for the RoomGenerator component.

Populate dense landscapes -
RoomGen can build rooms, create dense forests, place NPCs, enemies, and more.

Easy prefab creation -
Once you've tweaked the settings to your liking, hit the save button and your room will automatically be saved as a prefab for later use. This means you can create an entire dungeon worth of rooms in a matter of minutes.

3rd Party Support -
RoomGen was designed for use with any modular tileset.
RoomGen works great with Synty Studios assets!

RoomGen 是为您的游戏创建装饰齐全的房间或密集景观的最简单、最快速的方法。 可配置的预设允许您微调细节,同时还可以创建可重复使用的模板,这样您就可以从相同的资产中创建无穷无尽的变化。


预设中的每个装饰对象现在都可以指定一个间距缓冲区,以确保没有两个项目靠得太近。 对于将物体排列在墙上、在整个房间内放置宝藏等非常有用!

运行时生成和 API
新方法允许您使用自己的脚本轻松地重新生成关卡,只需几行代码。 变化会立即反映出来! 在运行时更新房间大小、偏移量、种子等! 每次加载场景时都会生成新关卡,只需按一下按钮即可重新生成道具和战利品,可能性是无穷无尽的。

您建筑物的每一层现在都可以指定特殊的屋顶瓦片。 天花板装饰也可以沿着不平坦的表面放置。 这对于洞穴等有机结构很方便。



RoomGen 旨在尽可能简单易用。 创建一个预设,拖放您的图块并点击生成。 您的关卡将即时构建,您所做的每项更改都将在编辑器中展示。

一键扩展您的房间高度并添加多个楼层! 设置每个级别的房间预设,并精确地构建您想要的。

动态控件让您可以指定每一层的高度,为每一层添加门窗,RoomGen 会自动为您填充每一层。

将地板拖到不同的顺序,RoomGen 将为您重建它。 调整整个楼层的位置,让你的建筑/地牢有一些水平变化。 使用非破坏性过程快速设计关卡和调整。

在老板级别工作? 想要添加宝箱,但只能在房间的最深处? 您可以为每个级别指定一个预设。 只在顶层放置一个老板,或者创造一整层的宝藏!

无尽的定制 -
生成过程的每个方面都是可定制的。 为每个项目设置单独的概率,指定偏移量以处理不均匀的图块,为项目添加比例和旋转变化以创建更自然的布局。 将您的房间缩放到任意大小,添加带窗户的高墙,添加敌人、战利品、收藏品等等!

完美的地牢 -
关卡设计中最困难的部分之一是创造变化。 只需几个预设,您就可以创建无穷无尽的变化,甚至是最小的细节。 用所有的门建造一个房间,建造庭院、森林、boss 房间,无论您向生成器中添加什么资产,它都会为您将它们组合在一起。 将您的设计保存为预制件,然后将它们放在一起以立即构建地牢。

在圆形半径内快速分布道具,并将道具对齐到不平坦的表面,如 Unity Terrains。 TargetGenerators 非常适合填充景观! 选择您的半径、密度,并使用用于 RoomGenerator 组件的相同预设。

人口稠密的景观 -
RoomGen 可以建造房间、创造茂密的森林、放置 NPC、敌人等等。

轻松创建预制件 -
根据自己的喜好调整设置后,点击保存按钮,您的房间将自动保存为预制件供以后使用。 这意味着您可以在几分钟内创建一个完整的地下城房间。

第 3 方支持 -
RoomGen 专为与任何模块化 tileset 一起使用而设计。
RoomGen 与 Synty Studios 资产配合得很好!

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2023-5-31 14:13:09
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