编辑器拓展 【更新】FlowReactor - High level visual scripting 2.0.3

插件名称: FlowReactor - High level visual scripting
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/visual-scripting/flowreactor-high-level-visual-scripting-167519
版本: 2.0.3
素材类型: 编辑器拓展
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-2-6 23:56 编辑

FlowReactor - High level visual scripting 系列索引:

FlowReactor - High level visual scripting 1.1.1  下载链接
FlowReactor - High level visual scripting 1.3p2  下载链接
FlowReactor - High level visual scripting 2.0.4  下载链接

FlowReactor is a high level visual scripting editor. For more information visit the official website, documentation or join the official Giant Grey Discord server:

Use FlowReactor to create AI behaviors, ui flows, dialog trees, tutorials, level scripting, game mechanics, state machines and logic flows.

Intuitive workflow
Create unlimited nested sub-graphs with custom outputs / transitions. Use the Eventboards and Blackboards to manage global events and variables. Thanks to the scriptable object workflow everything is easily manageable within asset files. Use FlowReactor to organize and manage sequences and logic flows with graphs and sub-graphs.

Custom nodes
Create custom nodes which are tailored to your project, nodes that can do more than just multiplying two values. This is high level!

Thanks to the node wizard, creating a new node is as easy as creating a new C# file.

FlowReactor is not bloated with tons of unnecessary fancy things which slows down your project.

Professional editor
The editor has been developed to seamlessly blend into Unity’s editor. Making it look and feel professional and native. Everything is logical and easy to read. Copy and paste nodes across multiple graphs, use the minimap to easily navigate through larger sized graphs and create groups and comments to keep your graphs well organized. Additional features such as branch movement and automatic node distribution completes the intuitive experience.

Graph explorer
Thanks to the graph explorer you can easily navigate through your graph and sub-graphs, find groups and see which nodes are currently active. The graph explorer also locates errors in your graph.

✔ unlimited nested sub-graphs
✔ hand crafted nodes
✔ create custom nodes
✔ create coroutine nodes
✔ node wizard for custom nodes
✔ global and local variables (blackboards)
✔ global eventsystem (eventboards)
✔ automatic type conversion
✔ scene override variables
✔ scriptable objects workflow
✔ graph explorer
✔ professional editor
✔ native look and feel
✔ copy & paste nodes across graphs
✔ minimap
✔ zooming
✔ groups & comments
✔ branch movement

FlowReactor 是一款高级可视化脚本编辑器。如需了解更多信息,请访问官方网站、文档或加入 Giant Grey Discord 官方服务器:
使用 FlowReactor 创建 AI 行为、ui 流程、对话树、教程、关卡脚本、游戏机制、状态机和逻辑流。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2023-7-20 14:50:06
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