脚本/功能 HABITS Extended Calendar Module for COZY 2 1.0

插件名称: HABITS Extended Calendar Module for COZY 2
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/habits-extended-calendar-module-for-cozy-2-259983
版本: 1.0
素材类型: 脚本/功能

Distant Lands presents:
HABITS: Extended Calendar Module
Want to create an automated world that reacts to your time of day? Overwhelmed by keeping up with all of your events? Introducing COZY: HABITS! This module is a new way to process dates, events, and planning within the COZY ecosystem. Habits gives you full control over the calendar with more features (such as days of the week, accurate and extensible months, easier display, and revamped UI) as well as an improved events system with graphical scheduling, custom repeating structures, event calling based on the start time, end time, etc., fully accurate event timing down to the minute, and a new profile based architecture that allows for easy cross-scene event manipulation. Check out this new extension module for COZY: Weather 2!

Extend your COZY system with onboard tools:
Manage event calling with down-to-the-minute accuracy.
The new "Modified Date" data type allows for easier calendar setups than ever before.
Visualize your world's automation at a glance with a complete custom UI that allows you to see all of the habits for the month, week, or day.
Easily schedule your habits with built-in repeating patterns (annually, monthly, weekly, weekdays, weekends, every other day, and daily).
Setup your habits in color-coded calendars for easy management at a glance.
Design custom years with variable length months.
Cancel habits if weather conditions are poor. For example, the "Water the Yard" habit will only run if it is not currently raining.
Set up start and end times for your events.
Intuitive date selection that includes month, day, weekday, and year.
Endless inspiration:
Design holidays and festivals that repeat every year.
Make your AI respond to the time of day and weather conditions more intuitively by returning to their home at night and following a daily regimen.
Turn on streetlights at a certain time of day and leave them on overnight.
Set your town up to collect rent on the first of the month.
Decorate for Christmas on Dec 1st.
Come prepared with out-of-the-box features:
Full module editor with onboard tools.
18 Habit profile examples.
Two example Habit year setups.
Custom demo models that fit with the COZY ecosystem.

习惯: 扩展日历模块
想创建一个能根据您的时间做出反应的自动化世界吗?想跟上所有的活动而不知所措吗?COZY: HABITS 介绍!该模块是 COZY 生态系统中处理日期、事件和计划的新方法。Habits 可让您完全控制日历,并提供更多功能(如星期、精确且可扩展的月份、更简便的显示方式和改版的用户界面),以及改进的事件系统,包括图形化日程安排、自定义重复结构、基于开始时间和结束时间等的事件调用、精确到分钟的事件计时,以及可轻松进行跨场景事件操作的基于配置文件的新架构。查看 COZY 的新扩展模块:Weather 2!

使用板载工具扩展 COZY 系统:
新的 "修改日期 "数据类型使日历设置比以往更加简便。
如果天气条件不佳,可取消习惯。例如,"给院子浇水 "习惯只有在天气晴朗时才会运行。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2023-7-20 15:14:52
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