着色/阴影 【更新】Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War 1.6.6

插件名称: Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/fullscreen-camera-effects/pixel-perfect-fog-of-war-229484
版本: 1.6.6
素材类型: 着色/阴影
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2023-12-13 14:32 编辑

Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War 系列索引

Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War 1.4.5  下载链接
Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War 1.4.7  下载链接
Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War 1.5.1  下载链接
Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War 1.6.1  下载链接
Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War 2.0.1 下载链接

Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War is a tool that can project a field of view from any number of objects, and hide objects within un-seen parts of your scene.
Pixel-Perfect Fog of war is the Ultimate fog of war tool.

Unlike most solutions to this problem, Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War requires no render textures to operate, and all of the calculations are done on the GPU. This means that the system is blazing fast, and produces Pixel-Perfect results.

Utilizing Image Effects, URP Custom Render Features, and the HDRP Volume Framework, this tool is compatible with your existing project, and no custom shaders are necessary for your materials.

This package comes with the ability to hide certain gameobjects in the Fog Of War.

This package allows you to customize your Fog Of War, and comes with 4 types of fog (see screenshots), allows you to adjust a revealers view angle and view radius, change the Fog Of War color, and the option to reveal tops of objects by adding corners (see screenshots).

This project utilizes both the C# Jobs system and the Burst Compiler to ensure optimal performance.

With Version 1.2, you can now customize your Fog Render Mode. Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War comes with 4 default render modes:

Solid Color - Fog is rendered as a solid color
Gray Scale - Fog Desaturates your scene
Blur - Fog blurs and changes the color of your scene
Texture Sample - Fog samples a texture with Triplanar Mapping to overlay a texture for the fog areas

Version 1.3 add new features:
Physics2D support
Axis selection (select FOW plane)
Color pre-multiply for grayscale fog
Improved blur fog mode
FOW can now render on mobile
Controlable vision height
Many other improvments and optimizations
Teams demo with team swapping at runtime

Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War 是一款可以从任意数量的物体投射出视场,并将物体隐藏在场景中不可见部分的工具。

与大多数解决这一问题的方案不同,Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War 无需渲染纹理即可运行,所有计算均在 GPU 上完成。这意味着系统运行速度极快,并能产生像素完美的效果。

利用图像效果、URP 自定义渲染功能和 HDRP Volume Framework,该工具可与现有项目兼容,而且无需为材质定制着色器。


本软件包允许您自定义战争迷雾,并提供 4 种迷雾类型(见截图),允许您调整显示者的视角和视角半径、更改战争迷雾的颜色,并可通过添加边角来显示对象的顶部(见截图)。

该项目同时使用 C# Jobs 系统和 Burst 编译器,以确保最佳性能。

通过 1.2 版,您现在可以自定义您的迷雾渲染模式。Pixel-Perfect Fog Of War 有 4 种默认渲染模式:

纯色 - 雾以纯色渲染
灰度 - 烟雾对场景进行去饱和处理
模糊 - 雾会模糊并改变场景的颜色
纹理采样 - 烟雾通过三平面贴图对纹理进行采样,为雾区叠加纹理。

1.3 版添加了新功能:

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2023-8-22 11:59:55
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