ProTips is a tooltip solution designed to save you time by handling many of the issues you will encounter when trying to create your own tooltips. Unity's Canvas UI is powerful, but can sometimes be overwhelming to work with. ProTips cuts through the complexity and provides working examples of common (and not-so-common) tooltip needs.
No programming knowledge is necessary, but helpful if you want to extend the system.
•Works with both TextMeshPro and Unity's legacy Text UI.
•Trigger tooltips from both 2D and 3D world objects.
•Works with both overlay (screenspace & camera) and world-space canvas.
•Supports both desktop/PC mouse hover events, as well as press-and-hold events for touch devices.
•Tooltips are automatically repositioned (flipped) if they would overflow off the canvas.
•Works with both the legacy Unity Input system and Unity's New Input system.
•Optimized code. ProTips uses minimal draw calls and object allocation.
•Tooltips can be triggered from any event such as button clicks or through code, which is useful for making in-game interactive tutorials.
•Tooltips continue to work properly when time is paused.
•Create your own tooltip styles visually using the Unity Canvas and our starting templates.
•Design your own text and image placeholder fields, so you can replace the field variables in the editor or at runtime with your dynamic data.
•Create tooltip triggers dynamically through code (examples included).
•Global controls for enabling/disabling tooltips, controlling fade and delay speed, overflow protection, and choosing which Canvas to use for tooltips.
•Full C# source code, no DLLs. This allows you to extend the system for your specific needs.
•Over a dozen tooltip style templates in the Workshop demo scene, which you can use as a starting point for your own tooltips styles.
•All assets you see in the screenshots and demos**.
•Demo scenes that provide working examples of the core features.
•All image files for the provided tooltip styles (image files are pre-sliced in Unity for proper resizing).
•Step-by-step documentation to get you started, plus many how-to videos on the ModelShark YouTube channel and posts on our support forum for more advanced topics like integrating ProTips with other popular assets.
ProTips 是一款工具提示解决方案,旨在处理您在尝试创建自己的工具提示时会遇到的许多问题,从而节省您的时间。Unity 的画布用户界面功能强大,但在使用时有时会令人不知所措。ProTips 可以化繁为简,提供常见(和不常见)工具提示需求的工作示例。
-可与 TextMeshPro 和 Unity 传统的文本用户界面配合使用。
-从 2D 和 3D 世界对象触发工具提示。
-可同时使用传统的 Unity 输入系统和 Unity 的新输入系统。
-优化代码。ProTips 使用最少的绘制调用和对象分配。
-使用 Unity 画布和我们的起始模板,直观地创建自己的工具提示样式。