编辑器拓展 【更新】Poly Few Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 7.71

插件名称: Poly Few Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/poly-few-mesh-simplifier-and-auto-lod-generator-160139
版本: 7.71
素材类型: 编辑器拓展
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2023-12-28 13:59 编辑

Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator系列索引:

Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 5.8  下载链接
Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 5.9  下载链接
Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 7.10  下载链接
Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 7.20  下载链接
Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 7.30  下载链接
Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 7.61  下载链接
Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 7.62  下载链接
Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 7.65  下载链接

Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 7.66  下载链接
Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 7.67  下载链接
Poly Few | Mesh Simplifier and Auto LOD Generator 7.74  下载链接

The performance of any 3d application is highly dependent on the total number of polygons that the GPU has to process per frame in a 3d scene. If you have a complex scene containing high polygon 3d models with a lot of meshes that use a lot of different materials, the overall performance of your game will suffer. Poly few is a complete optimization solution for unity that aims to solve this problem by allowing you to optimize high quality complex 3d scenes. With integrated features like mesh simplification, automatic LOD generation, mesh merging, and material combining, you can greatly improve the performance of your game with a few clicks without the need of writing even a single line of code. Such optimization techniques are especially useful when developing for resource constrained platforms like mobile phones or other low end devices. This can also help eliminate your expenses for artists.

Please note that from v7.63 onwards Auto UI Attaching has been completely removed. This means you have to manually add the PolyFew component in order to use it on a GameObject.

Supported features:
Mesh simplification, Automatic LOD generation, Mesh combining, and Material combining in one package.
Supports mesh simplification on the fly with a powerful runtime API.
No coding knowledge is required. Use the full features of the tool in editor mode without writing even a single line of code.
Supports simplifying both skinned and static meshes as well as meshes with 16 bit and 32 bit index formats.
Supports simplifying complex nested object hierarchies as well as objects with sub- meshes and multiple materials.
Supports combining both Static and Skinned meshes. Even supports combining rigged Skinned meshes and or Skinned meshes with blendshape/morph animations.
Combine Materials using Texture Arrays. Only supports the Standard Shader (Specular and Non Specular setup)
Texture Array based material combiner doesn't suffer from the common problems of texture atlases like texture bleeding, resolution limitation, and no tiled texture support.
Allows mass generation of LODs for multiple selected objects at once.
Preserves texture mappings.
Preserves animations on meshes. Even supports blend shapes.
Options to preserve UV Seams, UV Foldovers, and Border Edges.
Allows preserving certain areas of the model up to specified levels, while simplifying the rest of the model normally.
Supports animated meshes.
Packs everything in a convenient inspector window that pops up right under the components hierarchy.
Visualize the changes before actually applying them.
Undo / Redo the applied changes per object.
All the source code is included without encapsulation using dll files or any other means.
Includes editor tooltips for every control to ease understanding and usage of the tool.

A README file is included in the package to help understand the usage and the various options of this tool. A demo scene is also included to assist in learning the usage of the runtime API.

Please note that all versions of unity from 2017.0 and above are supported by PolyFew. It's just that the asset store doesn't allow uploading assets supporting unity editor versions below Unity 2018.4 LTS. If you want to use the asset in older versions of unity you can download PolyFew in a newer version of unity (2018.4 LTS and above) and copy the entire PolyFew folder into an older version.

Requirements & Limitations:
► Unity Editor 2017 and Above is required.
► Scripting Runtime Version Required: .NET 4.6 Equivalent or Above. Go to PlayerSettings > Configuration > Scripting Runtime Version and change it to .NET 4.6 equivalent or Above
► In the Runtime API the methods for importing OBJ files from the local file system and for exporting GameObjects to obj don't work on WebGL builds as WebApps have no access to the local file system, however, the function for importing OBJ files from a server can be used on WebGL.
► Polygon reduction might not work best for every model, there is a limit that varies mesh to mesh for the number of polygons you can reduce to, without causing too much distortion in the mesh.
► Material combiner can only combine materials that use the Standard Shader or its variants (Standard Specular etc) and it uses texture arrays to combine materials not texture atlases.

This means you can't combine URP or HDRP materials.
► Once a material has been combined you can't adjust the alpha value for its albedo tint color.
► In Unity 2017.2 and below, mesh combiner won't combine meshes if the combined mesh exceeds the maximum vertex count of 65534. This is a limitation in older versions of Unity.
► Unity Trees (Tree editor) have a limitation that it cannot have wind zones affect it if it has LODs (LODGroup component) setup. This is not a bug in PolyFew but a limitation with Unity itself.
► You can't use "AnimatorUtility.OptimizeTransformHierarchy" or the model importer's rig tab's "Optimize Game Objects" function on a GameObject on which you need to use PolyFew. You might get "bones do not match bindpose" error. This is a bug with unity. When it performs these actions it doesn't update some of the attributes in the mesh class which results in data inconsistencies.

Refund Policy:
Refunds without a legitimate reason won't be considered, especially if they fall under the following:
►You accidentally purchased the asset.
►You purchased the asset but found out that another asset XYZ allows you to achieve the same.
► You didn't carefully read the Requirements & Limitations section for the asset on the asset store description and purchased the asset. Now you're hit by a limitation that is clearly stated or you find that your version of Unity editor or the environment settings don't conform to the points listed, so the asset isn't working as expected.
► You didn't read the Runtime API docs before making the purchase and expect the APIs to do more.
► You didn't read this section before making the purchase.
► The asset does what it is supposed to do and as listed in the description and other relevant documents, but you still don't find it useful.

任何3D应用程序的性能在很大程度上取决于GPU在3D场景中每帧要处理的多边形总数。如果你有一个复杂的场景,包含高多边形的三维模型,有很多网格,使用很多不同的材料,你的游戏的整体性能会受到影响。Poly few是unity的一个完整的优化解决方案,旨在通过允许你优化高质量的复杂3D场景来解决这个问题。由于集成了网格简化、自动LOD生成、网格合并和材质组合等功能,你只需点击几下就可以大大改善你的游戏性能,甚至不需要编写一行代码。这种优化技术在为资源有限的平台(如手机或其他低端设备)开发时特别有用。这也可以帮助消除你对艺术家的支出。




请注意,PolyFew支持2017.0及以上所有版本的unity。只是资产商店不允许上传支持Unity编辑器版本低于Unity 2018.4 LTS的资产。如果你想在旧版本的unity中使用该资产,你可以在较新版本的unity(2018.4 LTS及以上)中下载PolyFew,并将整个PolyFew文件夹复制到旧版本中。

► 需要Unity Editor 2017及以上版本。
► 脚本运行时间版本要求:.NET 4.6等效或以上。转到 PlayerSettings > Configuration > Scripting Runtime Version 并将其改为 .NET 4.6 equivalent 或以上。
► 在Runtime API中,用于从本地文件系统导入OBJ文件和将GameObjects导出为obj的方法在WebGL构建中不工作,因为WebApps不能访问本地文件系统,然而,用于从服务器导入OBJ文件的功能可以在WebGL中使用。
► 多边形缩减可能不是对每个模型都是最好的,对于你能缩减到的多边形数量来说,有一个因网格而异的限制,不会在网格中造成太大的变形。
► 材质组合器只能组合使用标准着色器或其变体(标准Specular等)的材质,它使用纹理阵列来组合材质而不是纹理图集。

► 一旦一个材质被组合,您就不能为它的反照率色调颜色调整alpha值。
► 在Unity 2017.2及以下版本中,如果组合的网格超过了最大顶点数65534,网格组合器将不会组合网格。这是Unity旧版本中的一个限制。
► Unity Trees (Tree editor)有一个限制,即如果它有LODs (LODGroup组件)设置,它不能有风区影响它。这不是PolyFew的一个错误,而是Unity本身的一个限制。
► 您不能在您需要使用PolyFew的GameObject上使用 "AnimatorUtility.OptimizeTransformHierarchy "或模型导入器的装备标签的 "优化游戏对象 "功能。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2023-9-4 12:24:45
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