环境 Downtown - City Pack 1.4 虚幻5.0逼真城市中心区

插件名称: Downtown - City Pack
官网地址: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/zh-CN/product/city-downtown-pack
版本: 1.4
引擎版本: UE5 
素材类型: 环境

This pack has everything you need to create a large realistic downtown area of a city fast and easily! The tools/blueprints have intuitive UI, detailed documentation, and full artistic control in every aspect. It contains a lot of 3D models, materials, blueprints, and other assets that will make your life easier and you'll save hundreds of hours of work. You can customize almost all of the materials very easily.

Creating a big scene for your game can take a lot of time and effort because you have to manually place every object in the world. With these blueprints/ tools, you can create huge and unique areas in just a few hours instead of weeks or months.

There are blueprints for roads, sidewalks, roofs/floors, traffic lights, decals, banners, background buildings, and modular buildings; all of these can save you a lot of time when you are working on your projects. They are easy to use, flexible, with a lot of features and you can modify them anytime after generation.

The customization of the modular buildings is limitless with a lot of style variation and different materials. You set the parameters: the number of floors, shape, style, materials, etc. you press a button and the tool will generate the building by itself. The monotonous, boring, and repetitive work will be done by the blueprints/tool and then you can modify anytime each building or modular piece as you want. You can create your very own map and you can also add or replace the 3D models in the blueprints with other custom meshes such as Quixel Megascans Meshes. (same for the materials).

The latest pack updates released from June 2023 are exclusively compatible with Unreal version 5.1 or higher. These specific versions have a better optimization for Nanite and Lumen. Additionally, they introduce new or improved content such as trees, trash, and more.

You should have "Editor Scripting Plugin" enabled in your project (Editor -> Plugins) - For Unreal Engine 5+ is enabled as default.
The “Background Procedural Building” and “Roof” blueprints generate procedural mesh, the rest of the blueprints use the 3D models included in this pack. These blueprints/tools work only in Editor, not at runtime (play mode).
Inspired by New York City, NYC - USA, and other areas around. Exterior American Cityscape, Skyscrapers from Manhattan.

Included packs:
Procedural Tools Background City
City Street Props

• 609 Meshes

• Most materials have Base Color, Normal, and an ORM/ ORMH packed texture (R-Occlusion, B-Roughness, G-Metallic, A-Height).

• 17 master materials (very easy to customize), 380 material instances, 3 Material Parameter Collection, and 2 Material Functions.

• Presentation scene and the demonstration scene are included.

• 6 Particles System (Smoke/Flies)

• 396 Textures, sizes from 256x256 to 4096x4096 (most of them 4k with LOD bias enabled).

• 13 Cube Textures

• 14 blueprints (Building Modular Piece, Lighting Presets, RoofFloor, Background Procedural Building, Banners, Road Intersection, Decals, Traffic Light, Sidewalk, Controller Modular Building, Decals, Door, Random Wind, Border) and 2 Editor Utility Widgets (Building Construction Tool – procedural, Extract Meshes - for blueprints)

Collision: Yes.
LODs: Yes
Last Update: June 2023


作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2023-9-8 15:50:11
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