场景&道具 Stylized Poly Cave Formations 1.0 风格化洞穴场景

插件名称: Stylized Poly Cave Formations
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/landscapes/stylized-poly-cave-formations-191426
版本: 1.0
素材类型: 场景&道具

Stylized Poly Cave Formations includes close to 200 models to build either large or small caves scenes. With the modular pieces included, you can build large sized, or even massively huge caves, without the need for having / rending any terrain.

As with my other Stylized Rocks pack in the series, this pack also uses the Tri-planar Top Cover Surface Shader. Ive given these a nice rock cover so that you can easily mix and match floor pieces, or even smaller rocks in the floor, and blend the ground material without having to worry about seams!

~~~Average Tris~~~
- 3 Stages of LODs included on every prefab!
Folder Set 1:
- Single rocks range between 200 - 400 tris average at LOD 0.
- Large Cliff prefabs range between 2,300 - 4,500 tris average at LOD 0.
- Cluster prefabs range between 1,200 - 2,400 tris average at LOD 0.

Folder Set 2 (lower poly):
- Single rocks range between 86 - 150 tris average at LOD 0.
- Cluster prefabs range between 500 - 2,200 tris average at LOD 0.

There are two folders included for the rocks:
Set 1 = Modular rocks which share the exact same UV layout as the rocks from my Stylized Poly Rock Formations pack. So if you own both, youll have even more materials to play around with, and mix and match!

Set 2 = Newer rocks with different UV coordinates. A bit more lower poly than the others, but still with a great amount of detail!

Bot of these folders have their own Stalagmites and Stalactites, allowing you to stick with their current materials, or use set 1's from the other kit's materials!

186 modular prefabs included in this first release!
Included in this package:
- 2 sets of rocks to build your scenes with
- Large fantasy crystals
- Scaffolding and wooden platforms
- Stalagmites and Stalactites
- Massive Cave ceiling pieces and walls
- Carved stone stairs in the rocks
- Textures at 2048 res.
- Fully solid models, with colliders, allowing you to rotate and combine them with any rotations.

Stylized Poly Cave Formations 包含近 200 个模型,可用于构建大型或小型洞穴场景。利用其中包含的模块化部件,您可以建造大型洞穴,甚至是巨大的洞穴,而无需拥有或渲染任何地形。

与我的其他 "风格化岩石 "系列软件包一样,这个软件包也使用了三平面顶盖表面着色器。我给这些岩石做了很好的覆盖,这样您就可以轻松地混合和搭配地板碎片,甚至是地板上的小石头,并混合地面材料,而不必担心接缝问题!

- 每个预制件都包含 3 个阶段的 LOD!
文件夹集 1:
- 单块岩石在 LOD 0 时的平均值在 200 - 400 三之间。
- 大型悬崖预制件在 LOD 0 时的平均值介于 2,300 - 4,500 三之间。
- 集群预制件在 LOD 0 时的平均值在 1,200 - 2,400 三之间。

文件夹集 2(低多边形):
- 在 LOD 0 时,单块岩石的平均值介于 86 - 150 tris 之间。
- 在 LOD 0 时,群集预制件的平均值介于 500 - 2,200 tris 之间。

Set 1 = 模块化岩石,其 UV 布局与我的 "风格化多边形岩层 "包中的岩石完全相同。因此,如果您同时拥有这两个文件夹,您将有更多的素材可以随意使用和搭配!

套装 2 = UV 坐标不同的较新岩石。与其他材料相比,它的像素更低一些,但细节仍然非常丰富!


作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2023-9-20 11:45:54
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