完整项目 【更新】Twicks - Twin Stick Shooter Kit 1.02双摇杆射击游戏

插件名称: Twicks - Twin Stick Shooter Kit
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/twicks-twin-stick-shooter-kit-200839
版本: 1.02
素材类型: 完整项目
本帖最后由 cg小白兔 于 2023-11-19 14:16 编辑

Welcome to TWICKS, our Twin Stick Shooter Kit - a solid game framework helping you to create your game.

With TWICKS we tried to find out which components define the core mechanics of a good twin stick shooter. Instead of coming with a large set of pre coupled and hard to extend features, we wanted to create a solid foundation consisting of core systems and components, that you can easily build on and extend to make the game you want.

Our Twin Stick Shooter Kit comes with the most core game elements like a health system with hitbox support, actor management and a very strong and extendable manager system, allowing you to easily create new core systems with low coupling. Additionally TWICKS comes with a Behaviour Tree Scripting Framework, allowing you to create flexible Behaviour Tree Based AI components using the tree builder pattern.

The framework has been designed in a modular way, allowing you to replace our default implementations with your own, if you want.

To give you a headstart, we added a complete sample scene, giving you an example how to create a playable character, enemy AI, custom weapons, missions and pickups.

Modular, extendable and robust core system
We did our best to keep coupling as low as possible and create a modular and extendable solution you can build on. By implementing the appropriate interfaces you can cleanly replace and extend most of our components with your own if required or build your own systems working on top of it

Visual Scripting support
While TWICKS comes with a robust core system, it also provides you with event and action nodes to control high level behavior from Unity's Visual Scripting Solution. In that way you can harness the full power of State Machines and Script Machines to script your game logic in no time or quickly test things out.

Extendable AI System
Our Twin Stick Shooter Kit comes with an easy to use Behavior Tree AI System, allowing you to create AI behavior from scripts using the tree builder pattern. With the included Behavior Tree Viewer you can view and debug your Behavior Trees in the editor at runtime.

Playable Game Sample
Explore our complete sample scene, giving you an example how to create a playable character, enemy AI, custom weapons, missions, pickups and integrate game logic using Visual Scripting.

Powerful Component Library
We developed a set of reuseable and extendable components, like a Health, Hitbox, Loot Drop, Affiliation component and many more. The Framework also comes with a minimap and mission system.

Input System Integration
TWICKS uses Unity's the new Input System and supports keyboard, mouse and gamepad input by default.

Customizable Manager System
We implemented a customizable system, allowing you to define startup profiles in the project settings, to determine which systems should be created automatically when the game is started. In that way you can easily create custom managers and persistent components for your game.

What Not to expect:
TWICKS is not a complete game, but a framework you can build on and extend. It does not come with a preintegrated Save System, Inventory or Animation Framework. In the end, we think this would bloat it up unnecessarily and take from you the flexibiliy and freedom to use the system of your choice or implement your own, depending on your needs. That said, we might come up with extension packages or tutorials for TWICKS in the future and provide to you solutions for specific scenarios, if there is a demand for this.

欢迎来到 TWICKS,我们的双摇杆射击游戏工具包--一个帮助您创建游戏的坚实游戏框架。

通过 TWICKS,我们试图找出哪些组件定义了优秀双摇杆射击游戏的核心机制。我们希望创建一个由核心系统和组件组成的坚实基础,而不是提供一大套难以扩展的预设功能,让您可以轻松地在此基础上进行扩展,制作出您想要的游戏。

我们的双摇杆射击游戏套件包含了最核心的游戏元素,如支持连击的健康系统、演员管理以及非常强大且可扩展的管理器系统,让您可以轻松创建新的核心系统,并降低耦合度。此外,TWICKS 还配备了行为树脚本框架,允许您使用树形生成器模式创建灵活的基于行为树的人工智能组件。


为了让您有个良好的开端,我们添加了一个完整的示例场景,为您提供如何创建可玩角色、敌人 AI、自定义武器、任务和拾取器的示例。


TWICKS 具有强大的核心系统,同时还为您提供了事件和动作节点,以便通过 Unity 的可视化脚本解决方案控制高级行为。这样,您就可以充分利用状态机和脚本机的强大功能,立即编写游戏逻辑脚本或快速进行测试。


探索我们完整的示例场景,了解如何使用 Visual Scripting 创建可玩角色、敌人 AI、自定义武器、任务、拾取器和集成游戏逻辑。


TWICKS 使用 Unity 的新输入系统,默认支持键盘、鼠标和游戏手柄输入。


TWICKS 并不是一款完整的游戏,而是一个可以构建和扩展的框架。它没有预集成的保存系统、库存或动画框架。归根结底,我们认为这将使游戏变得不必要的臃肿,并剥夺您根据自己的需要使用自己选择的系统或实现自己的系统的灵活性和自由度。尽管如此,如果有需求,我们将来可能会为 TWICKS 推出扩展包或教程,并为您提供特定场景的解决方案。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2023-11-16 11:33:11
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