AMFPC is a customizable modular mobile 3D first-person character controller system that can help bring your iOS/Android game to life with very little steps to setup.
AMFPC is built to be easily costumizable & modular with a flexible input system.
Default movement / Sliding / Slope Sliding / Climbing / Strafing / Movement headbob / Preserve in-air momentum.
Jumping: Default jumping / Double jumping.
Crouching: Hold mode / Toggle mode / Smooth crouching.
Player health:
Fall damage / Health bar / Player Respawn.
Input & controls:
Joystick / Camera touch control / buttons / Mouse and keyboard input / Mouse swipe camera control.
First person item system:
Firearms & melee weapon / Weapon sway / Sniper scope / Aim assist / Auto fire.
Aim down sight: Hold mode / Toggle mode.
Inventory system:
Inventory display, Create and store items.
Interacting with objects / Door / Drawer / Pickup Items / Easilty create interactable objects.
Smooth camera control.
Sound effects:
Player: Walk / Run / Jump / Land / Slide / Player Damage / Player Death.
Weapons: Fire / ADS / Hold Aim / Reload.
AMFPC 是一款可定制的模块化移动 3D 第一人称角色控制器系统,只需很少的设置步骤,就能让您的 iOS/Android 游戏栩栩如生。