脚本/功能 【更新】Procedural Lightning - High Performance and Shocking Lightning 2.7.3

插件名称: Procedural Lightning - High Performance and Shocking Lightning
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/particles-effects/procedural-lightning-high-performance-and-shocking-lightning-34217
版本: 2.7.3
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-3-13 10:02 编辑

Lightning - Procedural Lightning系列索引:

Lightning - Procedural Lightning 2.4.4 (Jan 07, 2019)下载链接
Lightning - Procedural Lightning 2.5.0下载链接
Lightning - Procedural Lightning 2.5.2
Lightning - Procedural Lightning 2.5.3下载链接

Procedural Lightning 2.5.5下载链接
Procedural Lightning 2.7.0下载链接
Procedural Lightning 2.7.1下载链接
Procedural Lightning 2.7.2下载链接
Procedural Lightning 2.7.4下载链接

Procedural Lightning is the fastest, lowest price, best looking and easiest to use lightning on the Asset Store. No other asset provides the raw power, performance, customization, low price and prefabs of Procedural Lightning. Mobile, VR and desktop look and perform great! Drag a prefab in, configure and you are done! URP and HDRP render pipelines are fully supported.

Performance! Procedural Lightning has a built in pooling system, no garbage collection and heavily optimized code and shaders to give you maximum performance. There is even a multi-threaded option. Other assets use the Unity line renderer or expensive shaders with a few textures and have lightning that looks the same all the time. Yuck!

I've added a nice spell system with force lightning, lightning beam, lightning ball, charged bolt and lightning whip. Easily extensible and customizable.

If that weren't enough, you also get 17 high def thunder sounds. I've literally spent weeks on end of my life making this the best lightning in the asset store, and I know it will serve you well.

Here's the full run-down on what Procedural Lightning and Thunder for Unity can do for you:

- A configuration scene to help you get the exact look you want for your lightning. Tweak the detail, width, glow, duration, chaos, forkedness, direction and much more. Bolts can be randomized with a seed to get the same bolt.
- One click to get the exact code and script to reproduce your lightning bolt.
- Manual and automatic mode for the script. Trigger your customized prefab manually or let it run automatically.
- A robust lightning script that lets you create lightning strikes with a large selection of parameters with near infinite possibilities.
- Lightning works great in many scenarios: thunderstorms, magic spells, static discharge and much more!
- Lightning branches fade in, jitter and grow to make your lightning really come alive.
- Storm cloud particle system that looks stunning when lit up by lightning.

I've also included a more high level script if you just want storm lightning in your game without having to configure very much stuff. This script contains:
- Normal and intense lightning strikes with appropriate brightness, thunder delay and thunder volume.
- Cloud only lightning option.
- 17 distinct thunder sounds.
- Random range of time for the next lightning strike.
- Option to illuminate the skybox when there is a lightning strike.
- Random range of lightning intensity.
- Force a lightning strike via script.
- Lightning centered around the main camera by default.
- Option to try and make sure every lightning strike is visible by the camera.
- Dark cloud particle system for storm clouds.
- Demo scenes showing some terrain and water with the ability to call lightning with keystrokes. Procedural Lightning for Unity also contains an advanced lighting system that allows you to generate point lights along the paths of your lightning for that extra realistic effect. - Supports perspective, orthographic and orthographic xz planes.

This asset contains a batch of prefabs to create lightning bolts, sphere lightning, cone lightning, lightning fields, arcs of electricity and chain lightning. 17 high def thunder sounds, as well as a storm cloud particle system that looks amazing when lit up by lightning, are also included. You can even seed your lightning to get the same appearance.

Don't spend time making lightning effects yourself from scratch. Save yourself time and money with this powerful yet easy to use plugin.

Games using procedural lightning:
- Doomwheel
- Halloween Night
- Project Demigod

程序闪电是资产商店中速度最快、价格最低、外观最美、使用最简单的闪电。没有其他资产能提供程序闪电这样的原始功能、性能、定制、低价和预制件。移动、VR 和桌面版的外观和性能都很棒!拖入一个预制件,进行配置即可!完全支持 URP 和 HDRP 渲染管道。

性能!Procedural Lightning 有一个内置的池系统,没有垃圾回收,代码和着色器经过大量优化,可为你提供最高性能。甚至还有多线程选项。其他资产使用 Unity 线渲染器或昂贵的着色器和少量纹理,其闪电效果始终如一。真恶心!


如果这还不够,你还可以获得 17 种高清晰度的雷声。我花了几个星期的时间,将它打造成资产商店中最好的闪电,我知道它一定会为您带来很好的体验。

以下是 Unity 程序化闪电和雷声的全部内容:

- 配置场景,帮助您获得想要的闪电外观。可对细节、宽度、光晕、持续时间、混乱、分叉、方向等进行调整。可使用种子随机化闪电,以获得相同的闪电。
- 一键获取准确的代码和脚本,复制你的闪电。
- 脚本的手动和自动模式。手动触发或自动运行自定义预制件。
- 一个强大的闪电脚本,让你可以使用大量参数创建闪电,几乎可以实现无限可能。
- 闪电在许多场景中都能发挥巨大作用:雷暴、魔法、静电放电等等!
- 闪电分支可渐变、抖动和生长,让你的闪电栩栩如生。
- 风暴云粒子系统在闪电照亮时看起来令人惊叹。

- 具有适当亮度、雷声延迟和雷声音量的普通和强烈闪电。
- 仅云层闪电选项。
- 17 种不同的雷声
- 下一次闪电的随机时间范围。
- 雷击时照亮天空箱的选项。
- 闪电强度的随机范围
- 通过脚本强制闪电
- 闪电默认以主摄像头为中心。
- 尝试确保每次闪电都能被摄像头看到的选项。
- 风暴云的暗云粒子系统
- 演示场景显示了一些地形和水域,并可通过按键调用闪电。Unity 的程序化闪电还包含一个先进的照明系统,可让您沿闪电路径生成点光源,以获得额外的逼真效果。- 支持透视、正交和正交 xz 平面。

该资产包含一批预制件,可用于创建闪电、球形闪电、锥形闪电、闪电场、电弧和连锁闪电。此外,还包含 17 种高清晰度的雷声以及风暴云粒子系统,在被闪电照亮时看起来令人惊叹。你甚至可以为自己的闪电播种,以获得相同的外观。


- 毁灭之轮
- 万圣节之夜
- 半神项目

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-2-6 23:17:02
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