脚本/功能 【更新】MIS-AI-CarRider-RCC 1.1.8

插件名称: MIS-AI-CarRider-RCC
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/add-ons/mis-ai-carrider-rcc-207692
版本: 1.1.8
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-3-11 13:50 编辑

MIS-AI-CarRider-RCC 1.1.1版下载链接

Invector Template (Invector) which is one of the best controllers can be upgraded with MIS and MIS Packages. If you are not familar with MIS yet, please watch this MIS v2 Quick Setup Guide.

MIS-AI-Carrier-RCC is a MIS-CarRider solution for FSM AI. Use an excellent performance and easy-to-use FSM AI Template to make your own AI CarRider logic. This package offers 38 Actions/Decisions for now.

After exploring the path using NavMesh, it drives using the RCC controller in a realistic way.

In addition, it uses the Target Manager of MIS-Lockon to search for a car with amazing high performance.

Let your AI drive to your position. Let the car drive by itself. Let AI drives, and you immerse yourself in combat. Let the AI drive to the next location. Your ideas become reality in a realistic way.

MIS provides various methods for that. Imagine your game play and make FSM AI to make your own game more active. So that your players don't get bored.

Key Benefits
Provides All-In-One Setup (Invector/MIS add-ons)
- Character: Automatic
- Car: Semi-Auto (EVP setup must precede)
FSM AI Character Setup
- Very easy FSM AI character setup
- Uses the same as MIS character setup mechanism
Waypoint Editor
- Simple, easy and believable waypoint editing
- Automatically place waypoint positions on the NavMesh
Supports Edy's Vehicle Physics
- Car Controller: EVP using AI control
- Camera Controller: MIS VehicleCamera
- Camera View mode switch: Inside, Outside, Orbit
- vControlAI is in active state while riding
- Hands IK on steering wheel
- Drives with left hand and shoots with right hand when the weapon is right hand one
- Foot IK on pedals or whatever
- Gear-Shifting animation
- Looking back animating when reversing
- Forward collision reaction
AI Drive
- Drives through the waypoints: Test, Manual, OneWay
- Drives to the target position: AutoDrive
- Driving path between waypoints is given by NavMesh
- Drives in a realistic way
- When it collides with an obstacle, it finds its way and drives by repeating forward and reverse.
- Drives when all riders are on board
- Provides skip or return the path input
- Provides Pause/Resume Driving input
- Stop Move: The car stops until the StopMove object has gone (Forward direction only)
Drive Modes
Test Traversal
- Only for testing purpose
- Useful for the car movement settings without riders
- Moves to the mouse click point

Manual Traversal
- W: Moves to the next waypoint (Available when the player is on passenger seat)
- S: Moves to the previous waypoint (Available when the player is on passenger seat)
- Space: Pause

OneWay Traversal
- Automatically moves throught all waypoints and stops at the last waypoint
- W: Moves to the next waypoint (Available when the player is on passenger seat)
- S: Moves to the previous waypoint (Available when the player is on passenger seat)
- Space: Pause

AutoCall for Player
- The dedicated car drives itself to the player's offset position
AutoDrive for AI
- AI drives to the AI's target's offset position
Supports Enter/Exit actions
- Available on any seat using Match Target system
- Natural door movement
- Exit AIs only input

- When the AI is dead by ragdoll
- When the vehicle is overturned
- When the vehicle collides with the forward obstacle
- When the character/vehicle get hit by explosive weapons
- When exit while moving

Included 6 animation clips for AI characters
- Collision, Reversing

Example FSM Behaviours
- 1.FindEnterExitCar_Action
- 1.FindEnterExitCar_Decision
- 2.Traverse_OneWay
- 3.Traverse_OneWay_Loop
- 4.RidingFriendCar
- 5.AutoDrive_ToFriend
- 6.AutoDrive_EnemyChaseAndShooting
- 7.AutoDrive_EnemyShootingOnChase
- 8.AutoDrive_EnemyFastShootingOnChase
- Demo_MIS-AI-CarRider-EVP_Companion
- Demo_MIS-AI-CarRider-RCC_Enemy

FSM Actions
- mvAIAutoDriveToFriend
- mvAIAutoDriveToTarget
- mvAIChangeMaxVehicleSpeed
- mvAIChangeShootingFrequency
- mvAIChangeTraverseMode
- mvAIClearReservedVehicle
- mvAIClearTargetAIVehicle
- mvAIEnterVehicle
- mvAIExitVehicle
- mvAIFindTargetAIVehicleAction
- mvAIGoToFriendVehicle
- mvAIGoToTargetAIVehicle
- mvAIRestoreMaxVehicleSpeed
- mvAIRestoreShootingFrequency
- mvAIRidingShooterAttack
- mvAIRidingVehicle
- mvAIStartDrive
- mvAIStopAutoDrive
- and more

FSM Decisions
- mvAICheckFriendDistance
- mvAIFindTargetAIVehicleDecision
- mvAIFoundTargetAIVehicle
- mvAIFriendOnBoard
- mvAIHasEntryOnTargetVehicle
- mvAIHasExitRequest
- mvAIHasFriend
- mvAIHasInterrupted
- mvAIHasReservedEntry
- mvAIHasTarget
- mvAIHasVehicleArrived
- mvAIHasVehicleStopped
- mvAIIsAllRidersOnBoard
- mvAIIsAutoDriving
- mvAIIsFriendOnBoard
- mvAIIsFriendOnDriverSeat
- mvAIIsOnBoard
- mvAIIsRagdolled
- mvAIIsVehicleDead
- mvAIReserveVehicleEntry
- mvAIReserveFriendVehicleEntry
- and more

Provides IKAdjusts on AI riding
Provides Demo scenes
- 1.TestMode
- 2.FindEnterExitCar_Action
- 2.FindEnterExitCar_Decision
- 3.Traverses_OneWay
- 4.Traverses_OneWay_Loop
- 5.RidingFriendCar
- 6.AutoDrive_AutoCall
- 7.AutoDrive_ToFriend
- 8.AutoDrive_ChaseAndExitForShooting
- 9.AutoDrive_ShootingOnChase
- 10.AutoDrive_FastShootingOnChase
- 11.StopMove
Does not modify Invector core
All MIS packages runs on a feature-based basis

Quick Setup Sequence
#1 INVECTOR and FSM AI Template
#2 MIS (MIS Refactoring with FSM AI option enabled)
#3 EVP
#4 MIS-LockOn
#5 MIS-CarRider-EVP
#6 NavMeshComponents (Refer to the document)
#7 MIS-AI-CarRider-EVP

No refund allowed after downloading
Must read a document before you start developing
This package is not recommended for Invector FSM Template beginners
This package does not provide AI Drive Logic source code

Invector模板(Invector)是最好的控制器之一,可以用MIS和MIS包进行升级。如果你对MIS还不熟悉,请看这个MIS v2快速安装指南。
MIS-AI-Carrier-RCC是一个用于FSM AI的MIS-CarRider解决方案。使用性能优异且易于使用的FSM AI模板来制作你自己的AI CarRider逻辑。这个软件包目前提供了38个行动/决策。
MIS为此提供了各种方法。想象一下你的游戏玩法,让FSM AI使你自己的游戏更加活跃。这样你的玩家就不会感到无聊了。

- 角色: 自动
- 汽车: 半自动(EVP设置必须先进行)。
- 非常简单的FSM人工智能角色设置
- 使用与MIS角色设置相同的机制
- 简单、易行、可信的航点编辑
- 自动将航点位置放在NavMesh上
- 汽车控制器: EVP使用AI控制
- 相机控制器: MIS VehicleCamera
- 相机视图模式切换: 内部、外部、轨道
- vControlAI在行驶中处于激活状态
- 方向盘上的双手IK
- 用左手驾驶,当武器是右手时用右手射击
- 踏板上的脚步声或其他声音
- 换档动画
- 倒车时回头看的动画
- 前方碰撞反应
- 通过航点驾驶: 测试、手动、单程
- 开车到目标位置: 自动驾驶
- 航点之间的驾驶路径由NavMesh提供
- 以现实的方式行驶
- 当它与障碍物相撞时,它会找到自己的方向,并通过重复前进和倒退来驾驶。
- 当所有的骑手都在车上时,就可以驾驶
- 提供跳过或返回路径的输入
- 提供暂停/恢复驾驶输入
- 停止移动:汽车停止,直到StopMove对象消失(仅前进方向)。
- 仅用于测试目的
- 对没有骑手的汽车移动设置有用
- 移动到鼠标点击的位置

- W:移动到下一个航点(当玩家坐在乘客座位上时可用)。
- S:移动到上一个航点(当玩家坐在乘客座位上时可用)。
- 空格: 暂停

- 自动穿越所有航点并在最后一个航点停止。
- W:移动到下一个航点(当玩家坐在乘客座位上时可用)。
- S:移动到上一个航点(当玩家坐在乘客座位上时可用)。
- 空格: 暂停

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-3-7 11:45:40
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