场景&道具 Low Poly Nature Lush and Diverse Environments 1.0

插件名称: Low Poly Nature Lush and Diverse Environments
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/fantasy/low-poly-nature-lush-and-diverse-environments-261484
版本: 1.0
素材类型: 场景&道具

Welcome to the Low Poly Nature Pack!
Ever dreamt of creating a lush, vivid game world but not sure where to start? Say hello to the Low Poly Nature pack, the ultimate asset toolkit designed with you in mind.

What’s Inside?
Over 800 High Quality Game Ready 3D Models: From whimsical mushrooms to towering oaks, everything you need to paint a vivid picture. Ideal for desktop and mobile.

Flora: Bushes & shrubs, grass blades & lumps, mushrooms & more.
Terrain: A wide range of ground pieces, including background mountains and floating islands.
Props: Add life with campfires, ruined walls and modular fences.
Geological Features: Rocks, pebbles, and cliffs.
Stunning Trees: From majestic oaks to whimsical weeping willows.

Aside from provided variations inside the pack it is very easy to customize colors due to the usage of single texture atlas / palette texture. Annotated variant of the pallete texture is provided.

Unique Features:
Real-World Inspiration: Many of the models aren't just generic plants; we strived for biological accuracy, while still maintaining low poly aesthetics and artistic freedom. This includes different growth stages for some of the models.
Ready-to-Use: Dive in with an overview map and ready to use drag&drop prefabs. Witness the potential before you even begin.
Unity Optimized: Supports BultIn, URP, and HDRP rendering pipelines. Primitive colliders are provided for most of the models (and generated convex mesh colliders for some).

Bushes: 40, including 15 shrubs
Cliffs: 5
Grass: 80 models, including more and less detailed version, with variations (lush, dried, mixed)
Ground: 69 models, including Background Mountains (5), Flat 4m tiles (20), Floating Islands (6), Low Hills (6), Mounds (16) and Small piles (16)
Mushrooms: 83 models, including Death Caps (1), Fly Agaric (22), Girolles (9), Parasol Mushrooms (13), Procini (12), Shaggy Ink Cap (15) and generic mushrooms (2)
Plants: 196 models, including Bluebells (9), Daisies (15), Dandelions (13), Ferns (13), Foxgloves (9), Ivy (52: 20 complex, 20 simplified variants and 10 clusters, and 2 leaves), Nettles (36), Reeds (9), Water Lilies (22) and Wild Garlic (12), generic saplings (6)
Rocks: 35 models, including 9 rock piles
Simple water planes: 15 models of tillable meshes
Trees: 110 models, including Birches (18), Oaks (17), Pines (51), Weeping Willow (14), generic trees (10)
Tree branches: 13 models
Tree logs: 42 models, including log piles (12)
Tree trunks/stumps: 19 models
Tree roots: 6 models
Withered Trees: 15 models
Modular fence: 50 models
Campfires: 10 models (2 types of campfires in 3 stages, firewood and stone)
Ruined walls: 13 models, including 6 walls, 2 rubbles and 5 stone slabs
Planks: 7 models
Textures: 4 variants of palette texture (baseline, vibrant, toned down, flat)

Start crafting your dream game today. Let the Low Poly Nature pack be your guide, brush, and canvas all rolled into one.

欢迎使用 Low Poly Nature Pack!
有没有梦想过创造一个郁郁葱葱、栩栩如生的游戏世界,却不知从何下手?向 Low Poly Nature 包问好吧!这是专为您设计的终极资产工具包。

800 多个高质量游戏就绪 3D 模型: 从奇思妙想的蘑菇到高耸入云的橡树,应有尽有,让您描绘出一幅生动的画面。适用于桌面和移动设备。

植物: 灌木丛和灌木、草叶和草块、蘑菇等。
地形: 各种地面碎片,包括背景山脉和浮岛。
道具 用篝火、废墟围墙和模块化栅栏增添生活气息。
地质特征: 岩石、卵石和悬崖。
令人惊叹的树木: 从雄伟的橡树到奇异的垂柳。


现实世界的灵感: 许多模型都不是普通的植物;我们力求生物的准确性,同时仍然保持低聚美学和艺术自由。这包括一些模型的不同生长阶段。
随时可用: 使用概览地图和拖放预制件即可开始使用。在您开始之前就能见证其潜力。
统一优化: 支持 BultIn、URP 和 HDRP 渲染管道。为大多数模型提供了原始碰撞器(并为某些模型生成了凸网格碰撞器)。

灌木 40 个,包括 15 个灌木
悬崖 5
草:80 个模型,包括更多和更少的细节版本,以及各种变化(茂盛、干枯、混合)
地面:69 个模型,包括背景山脉 (5)、4 米平地 (20)、浮岛 (6)、低山 (6)、土堆 (16) 和小土堆 (16)
蘑菇:83 个模型,包括死亡帽 (1)、蝇姬菇 (22)、吉罗尔菇 (9)、伞菇 (13)、Procini (12)、长毛墨帽 (15) 和一般蘑菇 (2)
植物 196 个模型,包括蓝铃花 (9)、雏菊 (15)、蒲公英 (13)、蕨类植物 (13)、狐尾草 (9)、常春藤 (52 个:20 个复杂变体、20 个简化变体和 10 个丛生变体,以及 2 片叶子)、荨麻 (36)、芦苇 (9)、睡莲 (22) 和野蒜 (12)、普通树苗 (6)
岩石: 35 个模型,包括 9 个岩石堆
简单水平面:15 个可耕作网格模型
树木:110 个模型,包括白桦树 (18)、橡树 (17)、松树 (51)、垂柳 (14) 和一般树木 (10)
树枝 13 个模型
树木原木 42 个模型,包括原木堆 (12)
树干/树桩 19 个模型
树根:6 个模型
枯树:15 个模型
模块化栅栏 50 个模型
篝火 10 个模型(2 种篝火,分 3 个阶段,木柴和石头)
残垣断壁 13 个模型,包括 6 面墙、2 块瓦砾和 5 块石板
木板:7 个模型
纹理 4 种不同的调色板纹理(基线、鲜艳、淡化、平淡)

今天就开始制作你的梦想游戏。让 Low Poly Nature 包成为您的向导、画笔和画布。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-3-7 13:51:58
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