脚本/功能 【更新】NG Tools Pro 1.3.96

插件名称: NG Tools Pro
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/ng-tools-pro-34109
版本: 1.3.96
素材类型: 脚本/功能

NG Tools is a package containing 23 tools to greatly improve your experience through Unity.
All of that in less than 4 MB decompressed... Package on steroid!
NG Remote Scene Pro gives you the control of the scene on a device from Unity Editor.
NG Remote Camera gives you the ability of watching the scene on a device from Unity Editor.
NG Remote Static Inspector inspects or edits any classes containing static fields/properties.
NG Replay watches the last seconds seen from NG Remote Camera and saves it into your disk to replay it again.
What else? Replay contains inputs from mouse, keyboard, touch and more.
NG Console is a powerful console, many light years ahead of Unity's Console.
NG Game Console is a runtime console, on which you can append a Command Line Interface and remotely execute commands from NG Console.
NG Spotlight searches any asset (Texture, Material, GameObject, Component, etc) or menu based on your keywords.
NG Hub gathers all the shortcuts you ever wanted in a singular place.
NG Fav saves all your favorites group of assets in the same place. A fast way to reach your most used assets.
What Else? It can save your runtime Game Object!
NG Inspector Gadget gathers tools to improve your experience in Inspector.
NG Missing Script Recovery is one of them, restore all your missing script in 1-click.
NG Scenes manages all scenes in your project in the same place.
NG Draggable Object allows to smartly drag & drop Object fields in Inspector.
NG Asset Finder looks for every references of an Object in the scene or an Asset in the project.
NG Shader Finder looks for every Material using a given Shader.
NG Static Inspector inspects or edits any classes containing static fields/properties.
NG Hierarchy Enhancer is a little tool to do great things in a tiny space. You interact with Game Object directly from Hierarchy without the need to select it.
NG Components Inspector allows to easily inspect 2 Component at the same time.
NG Prefs gives you the possibility to alter editor/player preferences directly in Unity Editor.
NG Nav Selection records all your selections.
Switch selection using the button Previous/Next of your mouse. (Windows only)
NG Renamer allows to easily and massively rename any assets in Unity or folders/files on your computer.
NG Sync Folders smartly synchronizes slave folders with a master. Do you often work on many instances of your project? That's not a hassle anymore.
NG Fullscreen Bindings maximizes any window you want using F1 to F12.
And there is more inside!
The attribute GroupAttribute to gather fields in Inspector
An integrated tool to easily generate ScriptableObject.
A tool to know the association between an asset and a GUID.

NG Tools is guaranteed to run on:

NG Tools是一个包含23 种工具的软件包,可大大改善您在Unity 中的使用体验。

所有这些在不到4 MB 的解压缩后... 类固醇软件包!

NG Remote Scene Pro可让您通过Unity 编辑器控制设备上的场景。

NG Remote Camera可让您从Unity 编辑器观看设备上的场景。

NG Remote Static Inspector可以检查或编辑任何包含静态字段/属性的类。

NG Replay可查看从NGRemote Camera 上看到的最后几秒钟,并将其保存到磁盘中,以便再次重放。

还有什么?Replay 包含鼠标、键盘、触摸等输入。

NG 控制台是一个功能强大的控制台,比Unity 的控制台强大许多。

NG GameConsole 是一个运行时控制台,你可以在上面添加命令行界面,远程执行NG Console 中的命令。

NG Spotlight可根据关键字搜索任何资产(纹理、材质、游戏对象、组件等)或菜单。

NG Hub在一个地方汇集了你想要的所有快捷方式。

NG Fav可将您收藏的所有资产保存在同一个地方。您可以快速找到最常用的资产。


NG Inspector Gadget收集了各种工具,以改善你在Inspector 中的体验。

NG 丢失脚本恢复是其中之一,只需点击一下即可恢复所有丢失的脚本。

NG 场景可在同一位置管理项目中的所有场景。

NG Draggable Object允许在Inspector 中智能拖放对象字段。

NG Asset Finder可查找场景中对象或项目中资产的所有引用。

NG 着色器查找器可查找使用给定着色器的每个材质

NG 静态检查器可检查或编辑任何包含静态字段/属性的类。

NG 层次增强器(NG Hierarchy Enhancer)是一个小工具,可在极小的空间内发挥巨大作用。你可以直接从层次结构中与游戏对象交互,而无需选择它。

NG Components Inspector(组件检查器)允许同时轻松检查 2 个组件

NG Prefs可让您直接在Unity 编辑器中更改编辑器/玩家偏好设置。

NG 导航选择(NG Nav Selection)可记录您的所有选择。


NG Renamer允许轻松、大量地重命名 Unity 中的任何资产或电脑上的文件夹/文件。

NG Sync Folders可智能地同步从属文件夹和主文件夹。您经常在项目的多个实例上工作吗?这不再是麻烦事。

NG 全屏绑定可使用 F1 至 F12 最大化任何你想要的窗口。



用于轻松生成ScriptableObject 的集成工具。

了解资产与 GUID 之间关联的工具。

NG Tools保证在以下环境中运行:






作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-8 14:47:21
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