脚本/功能 【更新】CAT Game Builder 2.01

插件名称: CAT Game Builder
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/visual-scripting/cat-game-builder-104577
版本: 2.01
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-4-9 16:35 编辑

CAT Game Builder系列索引:

CAT Game Builder 1.55  下载链接
CAT Game Builder 1.90  下载链接
CAT Game Builder 2.0  下载链接

CAT Game Builder is the easier, faster way to make games in Unity. With CAT’s scores of modular Conditions, Actions, Triggers, and integrated game systems, you can create prototypes, demos, or full games with little or no additional programming.

CAT Game Builder is a fully extendable framework designed for use by professional teams yet easy enough for beginners to master. Using a similar workflow and design to built-in Unity components, CAT Game Builder seamlessly extends the Unity editor to become a complete game making tool.Its power, ease of use, and versatility make CAT an excellent choice for individuals and teams of all sizes.

With CAT Game Builder, building custom Conditions, Actions, or Triggers to use and reuse in your own games is a breeze. Additionally, it is easy to integrate into both new and existing game systems with just a bit of programming, so you can make new games or add features to existing games easier and faster than ever before. Future add-on modules will provide CAT integrated systems to make it even easier to build many genres of games including RPG, RTS, FPS, Casual, MOBA, Casino games, and more.

* NEW (2018+) Support for node graphs in addition to hierarchy layout.
* NEW Game Builders which can be used to create games even faster!
* Complete No Code solution for game development
* Included examples and ready to use prefabs
* Build and reuse modular components
* New Beta Multiplayer Support
* Player and Camera Controllers
* Save and Restore Game State
* Integrated and extensible Localization support
* Interactive debugging - in editor and in game
* Built and supported by game industry professionals
* Production-ready and professional quality
* Virtual joystick support for mobile
* Fully integrated with Unity’s workflow
* Comprehensive manual and video tutorials

CAT Game Builder 是在 Unity 中制作游戏的更简单、更快速的方法。有了 CAT 的大量模块化条件、动作、触发器和集成游戏系统,您只需很少或无需额外编程,就能创建原型、演示或完整的游戏。

CAT Game Builder 是一个完全可扩展的框架,专为专业团队设计,初学者也能轻松掌握。CAT Game Builder 采用与 Unity 内置组件类似的工作流程和设计,可无缝扩展 Unity 编辑器,使其成为一个完整的游戏制作工具。

有了 CAT Game Builder,您可以轻而易举地构建自定义条件、动作或触发器,并在自己的游戏中重复使用。此外,只需稍加编程,它就能轻松集成到新的和现有的游戏系统中,因此您可以比以往任何时候都更轻松快捷地制作新游戏或为现有游戏添加功能。未来的附加模块将提供 CAT 集成系统,让您更轻松地制作多种类型的游戏,包括 RPG、RTS、FPS、休闲游戏、MOBA、赌场游戏等。

* 新功能(2018+)除层次布局外,还支持节点图。
* 全新的 Game Builders,可用于更快地创建游戏!
* 完整的无代码游戏开发解决方案
* 包含示例和即用预制件
* 构建并重复使用模块化组件
* 新的测试版多人游戏支持
* 玩家和摄像头控制器
* 保存和恢复游戏状态
* 集成且可扩展的本地化支持
* 交互式调试--在编辑器中和游戏中
* 由游戏行业专业人士构建和支持
* 制作就绪、专业品质
* 支持移动虚拟手柄
* 与 Unity 工作流程完全集成
* 全面的手册和视频教程

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-8 16:05:39
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