着色/阴影 【更新】Radiant Global Illumination 20.0

插件名称: Radiant Global Illumination
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/fullscreen-camera-effects/radiant-global-illumination-225934
版本: 20.0
素材类型: 着色/阴影
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-11-7 10:19 编辑

Radiant Global Illumination 系列索引:

Radiant Global Illumination 7.1.1  下载链接
Radiant Global Illumination 20.1.1  下载链接

Radiant GI is a full-screen post processing effect that adds global illumination in real-time to your scene producing better lit and more natural looking scenes.

This bundle contains 2 packages optimized for each rendering pipeline:
- Radiant GI for built-in pipeline.
- Radiant GI for URP (Universal Rendering Pipeline).

Both packages offer the same functionality and support forward and deferred rendering path. After importing the package, check the documentation for setup instructions.

Global Illumination refers to the indirect / diffuse lighting caused by the bounces of the light on any surface. In Unity, all real-time lights (directional, spot, point lights) produce what's called “direct lighting” as they can only illuminate surfaces that’re directly reachable. Indirect lighting refers to the lighting that’s reflected by those objects and that can also add some lighting to the scene (as it occurs in real life).

Radiant GI computes automatically that indirect light very fast and combines it with the regular Unity lighting. The result is a more pleasant scene which looks much more realistic.

** Features **
- Realtime GI. No baking required.
- Works with any 3D scene, including static and dynamically generated content.
- No scene or material changes are required.
- Works with any light type and emissive surfaces. Every pixel can contribute to GI!
- Noise-free raymarched technique thanks to custom bilateral, wide blur and spatio-temporal filters.
- One light bounce option for extra indirect lighting.
- Option to use reflective shadow maps and reflection probes as fallbacks for off-screen emitters.
- Support for virtual emitters ("GI injectors") which can be easily placed in the scene or attached to dynamic objects to simulate artificial lighting.
- "Near Field Obscurance" option which darkens occluded surfaces, adding even more depth to the scene.
- "Organic Lighting": performant option to inject procedural lighting into the scene (URP and deferred only) which can also be source for indirect lighting producing more natural and interesting environment lighting.
- Easy to use - just add the Radiant render feature plus configure the post processing effect in the desired volumes.
- Uses Volume system which allows you to apply the effect globally or only on certain zones with custom setttings for each zone.
- Fully customizable including raymarching, performance and artistic-related settings.
- Compatible with forward or deferred rendering path; however, it’s strongly encouraged to use deferred rendering as it produces more realistic results.
- Supports perspective and orthographic camera types.
- Special visualization tools like debug and compare modes (similar to Beautify compare mode).
- 2 demo scenes + documentation (PDF) included.

** Compatibility **
- Requires Unity 2021.3 or later.
- Supports Built-in and URP (Universal Rendering Pipeline).
- Tested on Windows, Mac, WebGL 2.0.
- Android and iOS supported in high end mobile devices.
- VR not supported.

Related assets:
- Radiant Global Illumination is also included in the Visual Fidelity Bundle and Ultimate Bundle.

Radiant GI 是一种全屏幕后期处理特效,可为场景实时添加全局光照,使场景的光照效果更好,看起来更自然。

本软件包包含 2 个软件包,针对每种渲染管道进行了优化:
- 用于内置管道的 Radiant GI。
- 用于 URP(通用渲染管道)的 Radiant GI。


全局照明(Global Illumination)是指光线在任何表面的反弹所产生的间接/漫反射照明。在 Unity 中,所有实时灯光(方向灯、聚光灯、点光源)都会产生所谓的 "直接照明",因为它们只能照亮可直接到达的表面。间接照明指的是这些物体反射的光照,也可以为场景增加一些光照(就像现实生活中一样)。

Radiant GI 可以非常快速地自动计算间接光照,并将其与普通的 Unity 光照相结合。这样,场景就会更加舒适,看起来也更加逼真。

** 功能
- 实时 GI。无需烘焙。
- 适用于任何 3D 场景,包括静态和动态生成的内容。
- 无需更改场景或材质。
- 适用于任何光线类型和发射表面。每个像素都能为 GI 做出贡献!
- 通过自定义双边、宽模糊和时空滤波器,实现无噪声光线描绘技术。
- 一个光线反弹选项

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-12 11:53:48
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