脚本/功能 【更新】InfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP, Volumetric clouds & particles 1.8.4b

插件名称: InfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP, Volumetric clouds & particles
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/particles-effects/infinicloud-hdrp-urp-volumetric-clouds-particles-154133
版本: 1.8.4b
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-4-15 14:37 编辑

InfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP, Volumetric clouds & particles 系列索引:

InfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP, Volumetric clouds & particles 1.5.2  下载链接
InfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP, Volumetric clouds & particles 1.5.9f  下载链接
InfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP, Volumetric clouds & particles 1.5.9h  下载链接
InfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP, Volumetric clouds & particles 1.5.9i  下载链接
InfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP, Volumetric clouds & particles 1.6.1  下载链接
InfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP, Volumetric clouds & particles 1.7.0  下载链接
InfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP, Volumetric clouds & particles 1.8.0  下载链接
InfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP, Volumetric clouds & particles 1.8.3  下载链接

InfiniCLOUD HDRP is a volumetric clouds system for the new Scriptable Render Pipelines in Unity, with focus on HDRP pipeline and URP version available.
Big bonus for InfiniCLOUD users, get access to the complete Sky Master ULTIMATE Standard Pipeline, URP and HDRP suits featuring a wide range of weather, water and volumetric effects, including volumetric clouds, lighting and shadowing, by upgrading to Sky Master ULTIMATE for $39 (vs $69 normal price). Sky Master can also be upgraded to InfiniGRASS for $29 (vs $59) !!!
The effect is globally compatible with all platforms and Scriptable Rendering Pipelines (SRPs) and supports both desktop and mobile platforms.

- Volumetric clouds that can be used in HDRP and LWRP (or URP)
- Volumetric ground fog or top down view clouds using the system in below camera mode
- Dual layer possibility for up and down clouds
- Rainbow shader
- Volumetric lit particles module, for effects like smoke and round planet clouds
- Lightning system, with randomized lightning spawn, target definition for strikes and lightning on clouds

For any help on usage please contact me in my Discord channel Or the forum thread for InfiniCLOUD .

Please note that the focus of the system is desktop development, since volumetric effects are generally heavy for mobile development and should be considered only for latest mobile phones that may handle them well.

The URP version is included in the ARTnGAME folder, make sure to erase all other HDRP project items and install this one for URP usage.

The first 15 videos linked above showcase the InfiniCLOUD shader based volumetric cloud system (ideal from view from above or below the clouds and for mobile), the next 13 videos showcase Sky Master ULTIMATE (Standard Pipeline-URP-HDRP) extra volumetric cloud types with fly through ability and the last three videos showcase the Ethereal volumetric lighting and fog system in Sky Master ULTIMATE. The photos are a mix of both InfiniCLOUD and Sky Master ULTIMATE fully volumetric clouds.

InfiniCLOUD HDRP是一个体积云系统,用于Unity中新的可编写脚本的渲染管线,重点是HDRP管线和URP版本可用。

为InfiniCLOUD用户提供的重大奖励,通过升级到Sky Master ULTIMATE标准管道、URP和HDRP套装,可以获得完整的天气、水和体积效果,包括体积云、照明和阴影,只需39美元(与正常价格69美元)。Sky Master也可以升级到InfiniGRASS,价格为29美元(相对于59美元)!!。


- 可在HDRP和LWRP(或URP)中使用的体积云层
- 在相机下方模式下使用系统的体积地雾或俯视云层
- 上下两层云的可能性
- 彩虹着色器
- 体积点亮粒子模块,用于烟雾和圆形行星云等效果。
- 闪电系统,具有随机的闪电生成、目标定义和云层上的闪电。




上面链接的前15个视频展示了基于InfiniCLOUD着色器的体积云系统(从云层上方或下方观看都很理想,适用于手机),接下来的13个视频展示了Sky Master ULTIMATE(标准管道-URP-HDRP)额外的体积云类型与飞越能力,最后三个视频展示了Sky Master ULTIMATE的Ethereal体积照明和雾化系统。这些照片是InfiniCLOUD和Sky Master ULTIMATE全体积云的混合。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-15 11:04:09
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