场景&道具 Fantasy Village - Spawner Pack for SUNTAIL Fantasy Village 1.0.0

插件名称: Fantasy Village - Spawner Pack for SUNTAIL Fantasy Village
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/fantasy/fantasy-village-spawner-pack-for-suntail-fantasy-village-217077
版本: 1.0.0
素材类型: 场景&道具

Create amazing nature scenes fast with this Spawner Pack for the SUNTAIL Stylized Fantasy Village asset!
I love modular asset packs! I get excited by visions of the amazing worlds I could create, and so i start placing blocks... and then reality sets in. Manually placing tens to hundreds of thousands of perfectly aligned objects into your scene is intensely time consuming.
Wouldn't it be cool if you could create and place infinite variatons of landscapes within minutes? What about flattening the terrain under buildings, or painting forests, or making roads, paths, rivers and fences?
Enter the Procedural Worlds Spawner Pack for SUNTAIL Stylized Fantasy Village. It merges the procedural power of Gaia Pro and GeNa Pro with your artistic vision to enable you to create in minutes what would take weeks or months by hand.
Sample Work Flow:
Here is a example work flow for how you would create or enhance your scene with the SUNTAIL Stylized Fantasy Village asset.
1. Create your terrain with Gaia Pro 2023 / 2021
2. Fill your scene with GeNa Pro:
  • Manually place villages, campfires and rock clusters with a click
  • Add rivers and roads and even whole streets along splines with GeNa Pro
  • Add a wide range of props all perfectly placed with more clicks
  • Paint in Trees, bushes, small rocks, and other small detail asset
3.  Finalize & optimize your scene with Gaia Pro
Please note, steps 1 & 3 are optional and can either be omitted completely or done with your existing tool of choice. GeNa Pro works with both mesh terrain and Unity terrain.
Design Time or Runtime!
GeNa Pro works as happily at run time as it does at design time. For more advanced developers the GeNa Pro spawners can be executed via scripts at runtime for completely random procedural environments.
Unofficial HDRP Support!
The Stylized Fantasy Village Pack officially does not support HDRP, but we added an unofficial HDRP support package to allow the usage of the assets in HDRP. (* not all Raygeas Water Shader features supported in HDRP, Tree leaves do currently not move with the wind)
Required Assets:
The PWS - SUNTAIL Stylized Fantasy Village - Spawner Pack is a hybrid asset pack. What this means are that there are several other packs that must also be purchased and installed in order for it to work as it builds on their content and systems.

使用 SUNTAIL 风格化奇幻村庄 资产再生器包,快速创建令人惊叹的自然场景  !



请进入 SUNTAIL 风格化幻想村庄的程序世界生成器包。它将 Gaia Pro 和 GeNa Pro 的程序化功能与您的艺术构想相结合,让您在几分钟内就能制作出手工制作需要数周或数月时间才能完成的作品。


下面是一个工作流程示例,说明您如何使用 SUNTAIL 风格化奇幻村庄资产创建或增强场景。

1. 使用 Gaia Pro 2023 / 2021 创建地形

2. 使用 GeNa Pro 填充场景:

  • 点击即可手动放置村庄、篝火和石群
  • 使用 GeNa Pro 添加河流和道路,甚至沿着花键添加整条街道
  • 只需点击几下,就能添加各种道具,并将它们放置得恰到好处
  • 绘制树木、灌木丛、小石头和其他小细节资产
3.  使用 Gaia Pro 最终优化场景

请注意,第 1 和第 3 步是可选步骤,可以完全省略,也可以使用现有工具完成。GeNa Pro 可用于网格地形和 Unity 地形。


GeNa Pro 在运行时与设计时一样运行自如。对于更高级的开发人员来说,GeNa Pro 的生成器可以在运行时通过脚本执行,以实现完全随机的程序环境。

非官方 HDRP 支持!

风格化奇幻村庄包官方不支持 HDRP,但我们添加了一个非官方 HDRP 支持包,允许在 HDRP 中使用这些资产。(并非所有 Raygeas 水着色器功能都支持 HDRP,树叶目前不会随风飘动)


PWS - SUNTAIL 风格化奇幻村庄 - 再生器包是一个混合资产包。这意味着还必须购买和安装其他几个软件包才能使用,因为它是建立在其他软件包的内容和系统基础上的。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-15 11:56:00
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