脚本/功能 【更新】Smart Library - Asset Manager 2.4.0

插件名称: Smart Library - Asset Manager
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/smart-library-asset-manager-200724
版本: 2.4.0
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-10-16 09:41 编辑

Smart Library - Asset Manager 系列索引:

Smart Library - Asset Manager 2.2.2  下载链接
Smart Library - Asset Manager 2.3.1  下载链接
Smart Library - Asset Manager 2.5.0  下载链接

Smart Library boosts your project's organization by adding the Library window, allowing you to create collections of assets.

Discord: Chat, and get support quickly and submit feature requests.
Forum Thread: Ask questions, give feedback, or report bugs.
Manual: Learn the ins and outs of Smart Library.
Roadmap: See upcoming features, and vote for the ones you want to see added most.

Asset Organization: Organize assets of any type (prefab, material, audio, or anything else!) by reference in to multiple collections in the new Library window.
Collections Tree: Collections can form a hierarchy and be reordered and parented to one another for further organization.
Drag & Drop: Drag assets from collections in the library window to anywhere in your project just like the Project Browser.
Rules: Collections have a list of rules which let you define conditions an asset must meet to be allowed in the collection.
Collection Types: There are multiple types of collections to help you sort and organize assets quicker and more efficiently.
Standard Collections: Manually curate the assets in the collect by drag & dropping assets in to the collection in the library window.
Smart Collections: Fully automatic collection that finds assets in the project that match its rules, and removing assets from the collection that no longer do.
Compound Collections: Sources its assets from other collections, and or its subcollections. Works great as a parent to multiple collections.
Extensible API: Use the API to manipulate collections through code and create your own collections and rules to suit your project's needs.
Undo Support: Complete undo & redo support including creating and deleting collections.

Enhanced Previews: Custom previews are generated for assets shown in the Library window with nicer lighting and higher resolution.
Multiple Views: View assets in the Library window in either a grid or list view.
Selection Independent: Selecting assets in the Library window shows them in the Inspector, but will not move the project browser, so you don't have to worry about losing your place.
Fast Workflows: The Library has full keyboard support, multi-select, double-click to open an asset (or ping - preferences option).
Find What You Want: The Library window has search and order for assets, and more human readable asset names, and small type icon for assets, all to find the asset you are wanting quicker and easier.

Note: For Unity 2020.3 QuickSearch 3.0.0-preview or newer is required! 2021.1 and newer does not require the QuickSearch package.


Discord 聊天,快速获得支持并提交功能请求。
论坛主题: 提问、反馈或报告错误。
手册: 了解智能图书馆的来龙去脉。
路线图: 查看即将推出的功能,并为您最希望添加的功能投票。

资产组织: 在新的 "资料库 "窗口中,通过引用多个集合来组织任何类型的资产(预制件、材质、音频或其他任何东西!)。
集合树 集合可形成一个层次结构,并可重新排序和相互为父级,以便进一步组织。
规则 集合有一个规则列表,可让你定义资产必须满足的条件,才允许出现在集合中。
集合类型: 有多种类型的集合可以帮助你更快速、更高效地分类和组织资产。
标准收藏: 通过将资产拖放到库窗口中的收藏中,手动整理收藏中的资产。
智能收藏: 全自动收藏,可在项目中找到符合其规则的资产,并从收藏中移除不再符合规则的资产。
复合集合: 从其他集合或子集合中获取资产。可作为多个收藏集的父收藏集。
可扩展 API:

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-16 11:51:29
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