着色/阴影 【更新】MK Toon - Stylized Shader 3.0.28

插件名称: MK Toon - Stylized Shader
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/mk-toon-stylized-shader-178415
版本: 3.0.28
素材类型: 着色/阴影
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-7-16 12:20 编辑

MK Toon - Stylized Shader系列索引

MK Toon - Stylized Shader 3.0.5  下载链接
MK Toon - Stylized Shader 3.0.10  下载链接
MK Toon - Stylized Shader  下载链接
MK Toon - Stylized Shader 3.0.21  下载链接
MK Toon - Stylized Shader 3.0.24  下载链接
MK Toon - Stylized Shader 3.0.30  下载链接

MK Toon - Stylized Shader is an artist-friendly and feature-rich stylized shader, which is able to achieve very customized & unique non-photorealistic visuals. It can cover a wide variety of comprehensive art styles. The package includes standard and particles shader variations.

To provide an easy to use adaptive workflow the custom material editor is tweaked towards artists. Every feature can be combined with each other to create a new unique style.

NEW! : Optimized outline rendering on URP (drawcalls & depth priming)
NEW! : Indirect Lighting Fade Feature

Physically based input => stylized output: MK Toon follows your physically based input to create a local antialiased & stylized output.

Comprehensive shading model: The flexible and versatile custom shading model allows you to quickly iterate through a huge variety of art styles.

Creative Freedom: Every shader feature can be combined with each other to achieve the very special and stylized visuals you want.

Included Shaders
Unlit: Straightforward Unlit Shader with basic features.
Simple: Lit Shader with tons of customization options.
Physically Based: Lit Shader built upon physically based rendering to produce a highly unique stylized visuals.
Outline: Every shader can have a stylized outline.
Refraction: Refractive standard and particles shader versions available.

Standard & Particles: Standard and particles variations included.

Possible art styles: Cel shading, ramp lighting, anime, manga, cartoon, stylized realistic, artistic, watercolor or mix your own.

Create your own and unique style: Every available feature can be combined using the material editor to create a very customized shading.
Bonus: Rotatable gradient skybox shader

Physically based properties: Artists are able to maintain their physically based metallic, specular or roughness workflow. Physically based input => Stylized output.
Lighting Styles: Builtin, Cel, Banded and Ramp modes are available to completely customize the lighting.
Artistic: To style lighting even further there are three artistic modes available: Drawn, Sketch and Hatching. Every of them can be projected onto the object in tangent space or a screen space.
Normal Mapping: Seamlessly integrated normal mapping into the stylized lighting.
Parallax Mapping: Approximated parallax mapping can be used to enhance the normal mapping.
Specular: Isotropic and anisotropic specular are possible.
Diffuse: Lambert (default), Oren Nayar(takes the roughness of the surface and the view angle into account.) and Minnaert ( Lighting adds some darkening limbs based on the view angle. Good for things like fabric) diffuse shading is available.
Occlusion: Two way occlusion to control the direct and indirect light occlusion.
Emission: Every material can be emissive.
Detail: Details maps are able to add a detail layer on top of the albedo input using a mixed, additive or multiplied behavior. Even detail normals are possible.
Threshold Offset: It is used to distort the light intensity to create special gradients between bright and dark areas of the surface.
Gooch: Fully control the bright and dark areas of your object by interpolating between specific colors based on the lighting condition.
Rim: Rim Lighting is based on the fresnel effect. Outer areas of the Material will be highlighted.
Iridescence: Adds a Iridescence effect on top of the surface. Based on the viewing angle, areas will change color gradually.
Color Grading: Controls how the contrast, saturation and brightness is applied.
Dissolve: Dissolves the surface based on a given pattern.
Vertex Animation: The Vertex Animation offers three generic animations, which are computed on the shaders side (no additional setup required).
Light Transmission: Light will pass through the object and defines how (Subsurface or Translucent) it passes through.
Particles: Customize particles like the default geometry.
Stencil: Fully controllable stencil buffer.
Refraction: Creates a refracted look for geometry behind the surface.
Outlines: Based on the 3 outline modes tweaked towards pixel perfection. Even and uneven outlines are possible. In additon distance based fading and noise can be added.
Stutter: Vertex Animations and Artistic features can stutter to simulate a redrawn effect.
Indirect Lighting: Indirect lighting gets mixed into the stylization to follow a realistic behaviour.
Custom Editor: Easy to use inspector tweaked towards artists to combine each feature and create an unique style.
XR: VR and AR compatible, including Multi Pass, Single Pass and Single Pass Instanced rendering.
Vertex Colors: Vertex colors are automatically used if no albedo map is set.
DOTS Instancing and SRP batcher support.

MK Toon - 风格化着色器是一款对艺术家友好、功能丰富的风格化着色器,能实现非常个性化和独特的非逼真视觉效果。它可以涵盖多种综合艺术风格。软件包包括标准和粒子着色器变体。

新功能:优化 URP 上的轮廓渲染(绘制调用和深度打底)

基于物理的输入 => 风格化输出: MK Toon 可根据物理输入创建局部反锯齿和风格化输出。
全面的阴影模型: 灵活多变的自定义着色模型可让您快速迭代各种艺术风格。
创作自由: 每个着色器功能都可以相互组合,实现你想要的非常特别和风格化的视觉效果。

无光照着色器 具有基本功能的直接无光着色器。
简单着色器 点亮着色器,提供大量自定义选项。
基于物理的着色器 基于物理渲染的光源着色器,可产生高度独特的风格化视觉效果。
轮廓 每个着色器都可以拥有风格化的轮廓。
折射 提供折射标准和粒子着色器版本。
标准和粒子 包括标准和粒子变体。
可能的艺术风格 Cel着色、斜坡照明、动漫、漫画、CG等。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-17 10:24:51
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