完整项目 【更新】SBP Vehicle Physics 2.0 2.0车辆物理套件

插件名称: SBP Vehicle Physics 2.0
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/tutorials/sbp-vehicle-physics-2-0-76896
版本: 2.0
素材类型: 完整项目

The stunt update:
-make your car do flips, spins, and rolls with the input keys!
-easier and more controllable drifting
-replaced all Particle Emitters with Particle System Component
-reworked boost and bug fixes
-added the BIG RIG!!
-Bug Fixes
-added manual launch feature
The SBP Vehicle Physics Kit is back, new and better than ever!

With loads of new features and fun, realistic vehicle behavior, this is an essential for your driving game.
Officially Compatible with Edy's Vehicle Physics and Realistic Car Controller, this is an asset you know you can trust.
All scripts are well documented with comments, and well organized within the Components tab.
also, there's no more simple .txt documentation file. Instead, a descriptive documentation is included with easy step by step instructions on how to set up a scene from scratch. Detailed images are also included. Also, no complex curve editing or custom gear ratio setting in order for you to get fun vehicle physics. just drag and drop, hit play, and let the carnage begin!

You can easily interrogate this package into your project. Don't waste any more valuable development time for the package to import.
SBP Vehicle Physics creatively uses Unity's standard Wheel Colliders by manipulating them in many different ways to create cool vehicle behavior such as:
-Realistic E-Brake turns
-Tire effects for road and dirt
-And More!

The features in this package include:
-Prefabs of all essentials to save you time
-A Reach Destination AI Car System
-NEW: Racing AI System
-Cool camera effects for sense of speed
-An Advanced boost system
-Fully set up Wheel Colliders with just a few clicks in the inspector
-Supports up to 20 wheels on a single vehicle instance!
-Mesh deformation vehicle damage with realistic collision effects
-Anti wagon wheel effect
-Clean, documented code, all written in C#
-8 Low poly, but great looking vehicle models to get you started on your game. (All textures included)
-A level scene
-Mobile Input support (improved IOS compatibility)
-2 scenes, (Mobile and Desktop) pre-made for you to play around in.
-Simple stunt detection, (detect drifts, air time, etc.)
-Easy and customizable vehicle behavior (grip, drifting, standard) -And loads more!.

Also, there's no rough Garbage Collecting going on during run-time by Instantiating and Destroying Objects constantly. In fact, each vehicle takes about 1.2% CPU during run-time!.

PLEASE NOTE that this asset comes in a 'complete project' format, meaning it will overwrite your project settings. This is to make sure important things like custom tags and layers are included.

So don't waste another minute making your driving game from scratch when there's the SBP Vehicle Physics 2.0 to come to your rescue.

-增加了 "大钻机
SBP 车辆物理套件又回来了,全新的,比以往任何时候都更好!

与 Edy's Vehicle Physics 和 Realistic Car Controller 正式兼容,是您可以信赖的资产。
此外,这里不再有简单的 .txt 文档文件。此外,这里不再有简单的 .txt 文档文件,而是包含一个描述性文档,一步步简单说明如何从头开始设置场景。还包括详细的图片。此外,您无需进行复杂的曲线编辑或自定义齿轮比设置,即可获得有趣的车辆物理效果。只需拖放、点击播放,让屠杀开始吧!

SBP Vehicle Physics 创造性地使用了 Unity 的标准车轮碰撞器,以多种不同方式对其进行操作,从而创建出酷炫的车辆行为,例如

-到达目的地 AI 汽车系统
-新:赛车 AI 系统
-单个车辆实例支持多达 20 个车轮!
-代码简洁、有据可查,全部使用 C# 编写
-8 个低多边形但外观精美的车辆模型,可帮助您开始游戏。(包含所有纹理)
-支持移动输入(改进了 IOS 兼容性)
-预制了 2 个场景(手机和桌面)供您玩耍。
-轻松自定义车辆行为(抓地力、漂移、标准) -还有更多。

此外,在运行过程中,不会通过不断地实例化和销毁对象来进行粗暴的垃圾回收。事实上,每辆车在运行时占用的 CPU 只有 1.2%。

请注意,该资产采用 "完整项目 "格式,这意味着它会覆盖您的项目设置。这是为了确保包含自定义标签和图层等重要内容。

有了 SBP Vehicle Physics 2.0 的帮助,您就不必再浪费一分钟时间从头开始制作驾驶游戏了。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-24 11:35:08
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