声效/BGM UI SFX Mega Pack 1.0.0

插件名称: UI SFX Mega Pack
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/audio/sound-fx/ui-sfx-mega-pack-245595
版本: 1.0.0
素材类型: 声效/BGM

The most of these sound clips are categorized, but they may fit for other purposes too. Some clips fit into multiple categories, that’s why some categories have way more sound clips than others. Some sound clips fit perfectly for a voice of a robot character. Only your creativity is the limit how you going to use this sound pack.

Let me know if you have a sugestion for this sound pack, like what is it missing from it. If I find your suggestion to be a useful addition, then I will consider it to add it in a future update.
There are 2682 Wav audio files in this package.

List of all categories:
- Buttons (799 wav files): Some sound clips are a different variation of the same recording, they are edited in a way to sound differently. These sound clips fit into multiple categories.
- Cancel (200 wav files): These are based on some of the above mentioned sound clips. These sound clips fit perfectly for a „cancel”, „decline” or „close” buttons.
- Extras (65 wav files): Various sound clips that were made from interference noises.
- High_Pitched (780 wav files): These sound clips are a highly edited version of some sound clips from „Buttons” category. These sound clips are very useful for multiple purposes, some clips could be even used as a character/robot voice.
- Ok (150 wav files): These sound clips are perfecr for an „Ok” or „Accept” button, but they can also fit for other purposes too.
- Purchase (270 wav files): These sound clips contain the sound of metal coins in multiple variations. They fit perfectly for that case when a user purchase something in your game.
- Repair (200 wav files): These sound clips contain the sounds of ratchet wrenches, hamer noises and drilling machine sounds in multiple variations. They have singles and mixed together sound clips. Perfect for that case when something got repaired in your game.
- Sliders (63 wav files): These sound clips are designed for UI sliders, they sound like something is swiping, sliding. Some of these sound clips are seamlessly looping.
- Warning_Popup (155 wav files): These are designed for a warning popup window or when a message popup in your game.


本软件包中有 2682 个 Wav 音频文件。

- 按钮(799 个 wav 文件): 有些声音片段是同一录音的不同变体,它们被编辑成不同的声音。这些声音片段可分为多个类别。
- 取消(200 个 wav 文件): 这些声音片段基于上述的一些声音片段。这些声音片段非常适合用于 "取消"、"拒绝 "或 "关闭 "按钮。
- 额外内容(65 wav 文件): 根据干扰噪音制作的各种声音片段。
- 高音(780 个 wav 文件): 这些声音片段是 "按钮 "类别中一些声音片段的高度编辑版本。这些声音片段有多种用途,有些片段甚至可以用作角色/机器人的声音。
- 好的(150 个 wav 文件): 这些声音片段适用于 "OK "或 "接受 "按钮,但也可用于其他用途。
- 购买(270 wav 文件): 这些声音素材包含多种金属硬币的声音。它们非常适合用户在游戏中购买物品时使用。
- 修理(200 wav 文件): 这些声音素材包含多种不同的棘轮扳手声、锤子声和钻孔机声。它们有单个的声音片段,也有混合在一起的声音片段。非常适合在游戏中修理东西时使用。
- 滑块(63 个 wav 文件): 这些声音素材专为用户界面滑块而设计,听起来就像有东西在滑动。其中一些声音片段可无缝循环播放。
- Warning_Popup (155 个 wav 文件): 这些音效专为弹出警告窗口或在游戏中弹出消息而设计。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-28 10:58:58
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