蓝图 Spline Grind Rail Builder 适配UE4.27

插件名称: Spline Grind Rail Builder
官网地址: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/zh-CN/product/spline-grind-rail-builder
版本: 4.27
引擎版本: UE4 
素材类型: 蓝图
本帖最后由 cg小白兔 于 2024-5-10 11:00 编辑

* 6/23/2023 Added UE5 Manny Mesh and Animation Blueprint for 5.1 onwards.

* 5/3/2023 Some animations where changed (landing, moving and running on rails animations). You can see the documentation for information about previous animations.

Use Splines to create Grind Rails that can be easily added to your levels. They adapt to height and have movement logic; the Character just needs to land on top of it. You can change the mesh of the rail and its base, also the materials and how many supports it should have.

The project includes coins and power ups that can be placed around the level. The Bolt power up increases Speed on Rails.
Notes are added inside Blueprints to help you change the logic if needed. A default Third Person Character implements the movement on Rails; you can adjust many parameters.

*The project uses a Timeline to update the location of the Character above the Rail. Increasing speed is made by updating the Play Rate of the Timeline, so it reaches the end faster. Also, the Animation BP of the Character is used for the sliding and running on rails (a new State is created for both animations). Please use the documentation as reference and see if your project can incorporate the changes made to the Animation BP and Character BP.

5/3/2023: Replaced the Support Base Mesh, changed the footsteps and coin SFX, added 4 new variables in the ThirdPersonCharacter_BP to adjust the Launch Velocity after jumping from the rail so it reflects the momentum the Character carries (thank you for the suggestion, KadenKitsune!)

---- Attribution ----
The following assets are included in this product:
"Low Poly Coin 3D" by iamsujitcu is dedicated to the public domain under CC0
"Bolt"  by Savino is dedicated to the public domain under CC0
"Robotic City"  by section31 is dedicated to the public domain under CC0
"Footsteps On Cloth" by MikeFozzy98 is dedicated to the public domain under CC0
"Jump Landing Sound" by MentalSanityOff is dedicated to the public domain under CC0
"Metal_interaction2" by qubodup is dedicated to the public domain under CC0
"Scrapes"by AntumDeluge is dedicated to the public domain under CC0
"Dreamy Beeps" by Eponn is dedicated to the public domain under CC0
"Spacey 1up/Power up"by GameAudio is dedicated to the public domain under CC0
One Spline Mesh BP used to build Rails.
A test Level with Rails to move around.
The Third Person Character BP includes all the logic to grind and sprint on Rails.
You can change the Rail material, number of supports, length and height.
Coin and Power Up BP to increase Speed.
Coins can be grabbed but the logic after that depends on what the user needs for the project.
Number of Blueprints: 6
Input: Gamepad, Keyboard and Mouse
Network Replicated: Not Supported
Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows 64 bit
Windows: Yes
Mac: No
Documentation: Import to a new character
Important/Additional Notes: This product uses 4 Particle Systems from Epic's Infinity Blade for Demo purposes

* 6/23/2023 为 5.1 以上版本添加了 UE5 曼尼网格和动画蓝图。

* 5/3/2023 更改了部分动画(着陆、移动和在轨道上运行动画)。有关之前动画的信息,请参阅文档。


该项目还包括可放置在关卡周围的硬币和增强功能。Bolt 功能可以提高轨道的速度。

*项目使用时间轴更新角色在轨道上方的位置。通过更新时间轴的播放速率来提高速度,从而更快地到达终点。此外,角色的动画 BP 用于滑动和在轨道上运行(为这两个动画创建了一个新状态)。请将文档作为参考,并查看您的项目是否可以将对动画 BP 和角色 BP 所做的更改纳入其中。

5/3/2023: 更换了支撑底座网格,更改了脚步声和硬币 SFX,在 ThirdPersonCharacter_BP 中添加了 4 个新变量,以调整从轨道上跳下后的启动速度,从而反映出角色从轨道上跳下时的动量。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-5-10 10:59:35
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