脚本/功能 【更新】NEEDSIM Life Simulation 1.2.2

插件名称: NEEDSIM Life Simulation
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/behavior-ai/needsim-life-simulation-46226
版本: 1.2.2
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-5-22 17:38 编辑

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The NEEDSIM Life simulation makes it quick and easy to simulate daily life of humans, wildlife or even machines. Assign interactions to game objects, and NPCs will use them to satisfy their needs: You can make people watch TV when they are bored, or have animals drink from a lake when thirsty.

• Creative freedom: You decide which needs to simulate with NEEDSIM Life simulation.
• Design how often agents have to satisfy a need. You game is set in a hot vacation paradise? Make thirst decay fast, but comfort decay slowly!
• Interactions can change multiple needs at different rates: Watching TV might satisfy the entertainment need, but give characters an appetite for snacks.
• Objects have slots that agents can go to when interacting with them: Make a double bed out of a single bed by adding a slot.
• Freely drag and drop slots around in the scene to decide where characters will have to be when running the interaction.
• Add a slot to an agent and other agents can run interactions there, for example allowing a fox to eat a bunny.
• Slot allocation: A smart system takes care of distributing available slots to agents.
• One world, many species: Goblins have different needs than humans.
• Chose whether agents focus on their goals or whether they focus on the utility provided by the available interactions.
• Manage needs, species, interactions and databases in the editor extension released with the NEEDSIM Life simulation for Unity.
• Ten example scenes with various scripts and assets.
• Based on innovative research presented at the Foundations of Digital Games Conference and the Vienna Game AI Conference.

Please be aware that we do not offer a navigation or animation solution. Our examples show how to work with Unity NavMesh and Mecanim.

NEEDSIM 生活模拟可快速、轻松地模拟人类、野生动物甚至机器的日常生活。为游戏对象分配互动,NPC 就会使用这些互动来满足他们的需求: 您可以让人在无聊时看电视,或让动物在口渴时喝湖水。

- 创作自由: 您可以决定使用 NEEDSIM 模拟哪些需求。
- 设计代理满足需求的频率。您的游戏设定在炎热的度假天堂?让饥渴感快速衰减,让舒适感缓慢衰减!
- 互动可以以不同的速度改变多种需求: 看电视可能会满足娱乐需求,但也会让角色产生吃零食的欲望。
- 物体有插槽,代理在与之互动时可以进入插槽: 添加一个插槽,就能把单人床变成双人床。
- 在场景中自由拖放插槽,以决定角色在进行交互时的位置。
- 为某个代理添加一个插槽,其他代理就可以在那里进行交互,例如让狐狸吃小兔子。
- 插槽分配: 智能系统会将可用的插槽分配给代理。
- 一个世界,多个物种: 妖精的需求与人类不同。
- 选择代理是专注于自己的目标,还是专注于可用互动提供的效用。
- 在随 NEEDSIM 生命模拟 Unity 一起发布的编辑器扩展中管理需求、物种、交互和数据库。
- 带有各种脚本的十个示例场景

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-5-15 12:36:08
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