纹理材质 【更新】Cartoon GUI Pack 2.0.2 UI包

插件名称: Cartoon GUI Pack
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/gui/cartoon-gui-pack-48850#releases
版本: 2.0.2
素材类型: 纹理材质
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2025-2-7 15:00 编辑

Cartoon GUI Pack 系列索引:

Cartoon GUI Pack 1.0 下载链接
Cartoon GUI Pack 1.2 下载链接
Cartoon GUI Pack 2.0 下载链接
Cartoon GUI Pack 2.0.1 下载链接
Cartoon GUI Pack 2.0.4 下载链接

The Cartoon GUI Pack is a customizable, mobile-friendly game UI pack containing essential UI elements, icons and easily customisable prefabs with full C# source code. This pack will help you create your own game ui easily in a professional and playful cartoon style.

New version 2.0 is now available!
This is the biggest update of the pack released so far. The whole project has been improved from the ground up, both aesthetically and in terms of following best UI practices (anchors, layout).

The new version 2.0 contains many new features and improvements such as improved organization and structure, improved animations, added independent prefabs for every fundamental UI element, new icons and avatars and much more!
• Unique art and design
A professional art and design that make the pack ready to be used in any kind of games.
• Pixel perfect icons included
210+ coloured icons included, 120+ white icons included and 12+ Avatar icons included.
• Portrait level map included
3 Portrait level map images included, tillable for infinite scrolling. +1 cloud cover image included.
• .PSD source files and mockups included
In addition to the .PNG images, all icons are provided as vectorial .SVG and .PSD Format. Mockups and Level Maps are provided as layered .PSD format for any advanced customization you might need.
• Easily customizable
The pack uses 9-sliced sprite borders and white image backgrounds with which you can easily change sizes and colors. The button images are available in all kind of colors which makes it easy to choose a new color.
• UI elements as prefabs included
Independent prefabs for every UI element are provided. This makes it possible to build your own user interfaces from scratch using the pack's elements in a more convenient way. You only need to drag and drop the desired prefabs into your scene to create your own UI or just use one of our pre-built UI popups as a starting point.
• Essential UI elements included
Unity's build-in UI components included in an adapted design, such as: Slider, drop-down menu, checkbox, toggle, input fields and buttons. In addition our own essential UI components are included, such as: Popup opener, scene transition, color and sprite swapper, sound manager, music manager.
• Fonts included
The Open Font License (OFL) fonts used for the demo are included using the provided TextMeshPro component
• Sound effects included
The Creative Commons 0 License (CC0) sounds are included.
• Animations included
Animations for buttons, popups, effects and Particle effects for the end game popups are included.
• Mobile-friendly
Can be used in portrait and landscape orientations interchangeably.
• Full C# source code included
Complete demo project showcasing how the contents of this pack can be used in a real-world project with full C# source code, prefabs and animations included.

Please note this is a graphical UI pack including UI components, scripts, images, effects and animations to use as a starting point for your own games. Game-specific features (such as progress bars, ect.) will require additional programming work on your end.

The kit uses Unity's UI system and it is highly recommended that you are familiar with it in order to get the most out of it. You can find the official documentation for the UI system here.

Cartoon GUI Pack 是一个可定制的、适合移动设备的游戏 UI 包,包含基本的 UI 元素、图标和易于定制的预制件以及完整的 C# 源代码。 这个包将帮助您以专业和俏皮的卡通风格轻松创建自己的游戏用户界面。

  新版本 2.0 现已推出!
这是迄今为止发布的包的最大更新。 整个项目已经从头开始改进,无论是在美学上还是在遵循最佳 UI 实践(锚点、布局)方面。

新版本 2.0 包含许多新功能和改进,例如改进的组织和结构、改进的动画、为每个基本 UI 元素添加独立预制件、新图标和头像等等!
• 独特的艺术和设计
• 包括像素完美的图标
包括 210 多个彩色图标、120 多个白色图标和 12 多个头像图标。
• 包含纵向地图
3 包括纵向水平地图图像,可无限滚动。 +1 包括云覆盖图像。
• 包含.PSD 源文件和模型
除 .PNG 图像外,所有图标均以矢量 .SVG 和 .PSD 格式提供。 模型和关卡地图以分层 .PSD 格式提供,可用于您可能需要的任何高级定制。
• 易于定制
该包使用 9 切片精灵边框和白色图像背景,您可以使用它们轻松更改大小和颜色。 按钮图像有各种颜色可供选择,这使得选择新颜色变得容易。
• 包含作为预制件的 UI 元素
为每个 UI 元素提供了独立的预制件。 这使得以更方便的方式使用包的元素从头开始构建您自己的用户界面成为可能。 您只需将所需的预制件拖放到您的场景中即可创建您自己的 UI,或者仅使用我们预建的 UI 弹出窗口之一作为起点。
• 包括基本的用户界面元素
Unity 的内置 UI 组件包含在经过改编的设计中,例如:滑块、下拉菜单、复选框、切换开关、输入字段和按钮。 此外,我们自己的基本 UI 组件也包括在内,例如:弹出窗口开启器、场景转换、颜色和精灵交换器、声音管理器、音乐管理器。
• 包括字体
使用提供的 TextMeshPro 组件包含用于演示的开放字体许可证 (OFL) 字体
• 包括音效
包括 Creative Commons 0 License (CC0) 声音。
• 包括动画
• 适合移动设备
• 包括完整的 C# 源代码
完整的演示项目展示了如何在包含完整 C# 源代码、预制件和动画的真实项目中使用此包的内容。

  请注意,这是一个图形用户界面包,包括用户界面组件、脚本、图像、效果和动画,可用作您自己游戏的起点。 特定于游戏的功能(例如进度条等)将需要您进行额外的编程工作。

该套件使用 Unity 的 UI 系统,强烈建议您熟悉它以便充分利用它。 您可以在此处找到 UI 系统的官方文档。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-5-15 16:29:09
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