Make it nine is mathematics puzzle game. It is created for wide range of platforms as it’s compatible with different orientations i.e. Portrait and landscape. Main scene can be found on Scene folder which has implemented the whole game. It is very simple game to play. Player needs to find two numbers whose sum is 9. But those two number must be next to each other i.e. row-wise, column-wise, diagonally as shown in the screenshots. But during game, player has to be very careful while making these matches: if player makes the match which reduce the total number of matches then they will lose. This game is created in such way to be easily customized. It allows developer to change the whole idea of the game by changing value of a variable then player has to find two numbers to make the number that you select for the variable. It can be used in video games in your game like subgame of your game which makes your game more attractive.
Make it nine》是一款数学益智游戏。这款游戏适用于多种平台,因为它兼容不同的方向,即纵向和横向。主场景可在 “场景 ”文件夹中找到,该文件夹包含整个游戏。游戏玩法非常简单。如截图所示,玩家需要找到两个数字之和为 9,但这两个数字必须相邻,即相邻行、相邻列、相邻对角线。但在游戏过程中,玩家必须非常小心地进行匹配:如果玩家进行的匹配减少了匹配总数,那么他们就输了。这款游戏的制作方式非常容易定制。它允许开发人员通过改变变量的值来改变游戏的整体思路,然后玩家必须找到两个数字来组成你为变量选择的数字。它可用于视频游戏中的子游戏,使游戏更具吸引力。