场景&道具 【更新】M.E. Castle Creator 1.8

插件名称: M.E. Castle Creator
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/historic/m-e-castle-creator-55455
版本: 1.8
素材类型: 场景&道具

V 1.8: Added 1 new higher quality texture, switched for new primary look!
Major Update V1.75 now available! Now adding a whole new supply of Castle creation content.

*Please use Unity 5.5.0 or higher to access all new content included!
This is the second package to my M.E. (Medieval Environments) Series!
Also part of the M.E. Series Bundle Package

M.E. Castle Creator brings more than just basic castle pieces together. Its an entire supply of modular wall pieces for advanced Castle Designs, with supportive pieces for both interiors and exteriors!

Official Forums
Hints: "Grid" Snapping and "Vertex" Snapping (hold "v") work very well with these modular pieces!
* Both this new update, and the previous releases share respectively 1 texture per section at 2048x2048 and 1024x1024 res, with multiple texture look alternates!
* All prefabs are low on their poly counts, and work great with Mobile or PC! Also great for First Person or Top Down style games.

This Package now includes over 600+ Modular Prefabs and Modules to use for your games!
Here's what's included with Castle Pack 2.0:
- 37 Pre-built Modules to give you a great start with working with the newest content added!
- New walls: basic, and with crenelations or battlements
- Arches and Archways
- Pillars and Posts
- Stairs, ladders, crates, and barrels
- A wide assortment of pre-built modules
- Lanterns, and braziers
- Rocks
- Different color flags and flag poles (basic, but texture can be easily edited)
- Doors and Windows, great for added detail

Here's what was included for initial release (Check "Versions" tab below for old or newly added content):
- 45 Castle Walls: With or without "Crenelations" or "Battlements."
- 12 Castle Wall Corners.
- 23 Castle Stairs and Steps.
- 18 Castle Wall Extensions, and Crenelations.
- 26 Castle Tower variations: Round, Square, with interiors or exteriors with added modular pieces.
- 12 Castle Gatehouse variations: with or without Gates.
- 16 Castle Wall Floors: along with Hatches and Hatch Frames with metal bar flooring.
- 25 Castle Railings and Barriers: Great for walkways or interior structures.
- 6 Arched Bridge variations.
- 15 Flat Bridges and Corner pieces.
- 10 Castle Pillars: Great for detailing your scenes, or using as support for Castle ledges.
- 17 Castle Add-Ons: Modular walls, for interior and exterior designs of structures, or custom towers/ walls.
- 2 Wooden Beams for support.
- 5 Different Sized Ladders: Great for climbing up the different sized Castle Walls!
* 11 Pre-Built Modules using the pieces provided: Gatehouse Entrance, Castle Structure or "Keep," Custom Towers, and a few Platform variations!

There is a Demo Scene included in this package, and to play on my Website: Web Demos Page Also now included is a demo scene featured within this package featuring all content layed out on the field for better viewing purposes! There are multiple demo scenes available in this pack, for viewing the whole of its content

V 1.8:新增 1 个更高质量的纹理,切换为新的主要外观!
重大更新 V1.75 现已发布!现在添加了全新的城堡创建内容。

*请使用 Unity 5.5.0 或更高版本访问所有新内容!
这是我的 M.E.(中世纪环境)系列的第二个软件包!
也是 M.E. 系列捆绑包的一部分

M.E. Castle Creator 带来的不仅仅是基本的城堡部件。它为高级城堡设计提供了一整套模块化墙体部件,包括内部和外部的辅助部件!

提示: “网格 ”抢拍和 “顶点 ”抢拍(按住 “v ”键)对这些模块化部件非常有效!
* 本次更新和之前的版本都分别以 2048x2048 和 1024x1024 的分辨率共享每个部分的 1 个纹理,并有多个纹理外观可供选择!
* 所有预制件的多边形数量都很低,非常适合在手机或电脑上使用!也非常适合第一人称或俯视风格的游戏。

本软件包现在包含 600 多个模块化预制件和模块,可用于您的游戏!
以下是 Castle Pack 2.0 包含的内容:
- 37 个预建模块,让您在使用最新添加的内容时有一个良好的开端!
- 新墙体:基本墙体、带垛口的墙体
- 拱门和拱道
- 支柱和柱子
- 楼梯、梯子、板条箱和木桶
- 各种预建模块
- 灯笼和篝火
- 岩石
- 不同颜色的旗帜和旗杆(基本的,但可以轻松编辑纹理)
- 门窗

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-5-17 14:53:58
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