编辑器拓展 【更新】GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.5.7

插件名称: GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/gena-pro-terrains-villages-roads-rivers-183186
版本: 3.5.7
素材类型: 编辑器拓展
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-5-22 17:06 编辑

GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers系列索引:

GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.1.0  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.1.1  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.3.10  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.3.12  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.3.14  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.3.15  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.3.16  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.3.17  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.3.18  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.3.19  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.4.0  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.4.2  下载链接
GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.5.3  下载链接

GeNa Pro - Terrains, Villages, Roads & Rivers 3.5.5  下载链接

Purchase GeNa Pro today to save time and money by creating beautiful levels for your game so that you can focus on the game play that matters and get to market faster.

Great level design is fun until it's not! Manually shaping your terrain and perfectly placing tens of thousands of objects into your scene is a meticulous process that takes huge amounts of time, and more often than not will look bland as designer fatigue sets in.

By comparison, GeNa Pro gives you what you want, where you want it, and perfectly adapted to it's environment in a fraction of the time that it would take to do by hand. And if you don't like what GeNa does for you the first time then hit 'iterate' until you do and GeNa will create variations for you!

GeNa Pro can spawn anything. It can make forests, rivers and roads along splines, place buildings and automatically clear and flatten the terrain, and can even make entire maps as it intelligently scans your terrain and chooses the best places to create villages and towns and connect them with roads. It is incredible how powerful GeNa is.

GeNa Pro also comes with a powerful decorator system that allows you to influence how your content is placed into your scene. Flatten terrain and clear trees and details under your buildings, snap things to the ground, add in random variation, create sophisticated super spawners out of libraries of sub spawners and much more!

GeNa Pro is the perfect companion to Gaia Pro 2021 (Best Artistic Tool - Unity Awards 2020) by design, and was inspired by our collaboration with Crowfall where GeNa and Gaia were used extensively! In fact in the video on their home page Gaia & GeNa created the environment, and Pegasus did the camera fly throughs and character movement. Good tools and amazing talent makes magic!

As powerful at runtime as it is at design time, GeNa Pro was designed with runtime API control and extensibility in mind, so you can extend GeNa Pro and embed it into your own solutions.

As a FREE bonus, GeNa Pro comes with spawner packs for Gaia Pro 2021, and the free Flooded Grounds modular asset pack so that it is simple and fast to create environments that 'just work', and you can be up and running in your own amazing levels within minutes. Keep an eye out as we introduce more spawner packs in the future!

GeNa Pro consists of the following major components:
GeNa Spawners: Spawn assets into scenes.
GeNa Map Builder: Procedurally create and connects towns.
GeNa Decorators: Decorate assets with logic that influences spawning.
GeNa Splines: Defines paths for Spawners & Spline Extensions.
GeNa Rivers: A specialized spline extension for river networks.
GeNa Roads: A specialized spline extension for road networks.

Key Benefits:
Easy to use.
Nicer environments.
Massive time savings.
Replicable quality through automation.
Better frame rates (dependent on situation).
Better lighting.

Key Features:
Single, global, paint, spline & map based spawn modes.
Extensible spawner, decorator and spline and city building systems.
Spawns textures, grasses, trees, prefabs, structures, towns, rivers, roads.
Automated map generation system finds optimal spaces for villages, spawns them, and then connects them with roads.
Automated road generation system grade based path finding.
Automated river generation system with flow based path finding.
Works on terrains and meshes across multiple terrain tiles.
Automated prefab optimization system.
Automated light probe placement.
Edit and runtime spawning modes.
In editor physics based spawning.
API controllable.

Supported Pipelines:
GeNa needs compute shader support to work.
Pipeline agnostic, we spawn whatever you put in.

Source Code:
Not provided. Contact us privately if you wish to purchase.

About Procedural Worlds:
At Procedural Worlds our mission is to empower people to create, automate and navigate worlds. Our products are easy to use, nicely integrated and well supported.

We service indies, professionals and enterprise with our tools, and deliver custom projects for studios, enterprise and government. Our special power is that we have both a deep procedural technology stack, and an amazing team of experts, and we leverage this unique combination to create applications, games, sims, mapping and mmo / metaverse experiences at a fraction of the typical time and cost. Check out our gallery, and then contact us.

We are a Unity Partner, Intel Partner, and have been a top asset store publisher since we first launched Gaia in 2015. Our reviews over this time speak for themselves.

Our Products:
World Building Bundle - 2021 Edition - Get another 20% off our most popular tools with this awesome bundle. It includes Gaia Pro 2021, Gena Pro, Ambient Sounds, Pegasus and SECTR 2019.

Gaia Pro 2021 - Gaia 2 is an introductory version of Gaia Pro. Gaia 2 expands on the original Gaia 1 with multi terrain and biome support.

GeNa Pro - GeNa Pro os the big brother of GeNa 2. It is a complete re-write, and includes all of the capability of GeNa 2 plus the ability to create splines, rivers, roads and villages and to shape and fill your terrain with rocks, trees grasses and more.

SECTR Complete 2019 - A suite of performance-enhancing tools that enable open world streaming, massive mobile games and includes the latest techniques in audio occlusion and propagation.

Ambient Sounds - A tool that creates interactive soundscapes that also comes with professionally composed sound effects and music library.

Pegasus - A system that can drive anything along a path. Great for cut-scenes, and even has an ambient ai that supports formations, animation and local avoidance for your NPCs and animals!

Stamp Packs
As the intentor of the stamp concept, and obsessive landscape creators, we know a thing or two about stamps. Check out our Stamp Packs for a range of landscapes that work with Unity, our tools, and anyother tool that supports the stamp concept.

Game Ready Levels
If you have our tools, and would like some optimised levels to build your game around, or learn from then check out our Game Ready Levels.

Micro Biomes
Micro Biomes are small biomes that are designed to be mixed and matched to create more interesting environments with Gaia Pro 2021 and GeNa Pro.

Procedural Spawner Packs
We take some of the best modular assets in the store and make it easy for you to use them in your scene with Gaia Pro and GeNa Pro and our Procedural Spawner Packs. Bring your artistic vision to life and procedurally create in minutes what would take weeks or months by hand!

Third Party Licences:
Gaia contains sample assets from other publishers that have been included with their permission, shaders derived from the Unity Standard Shaders package, and shaders derived from the Unity Terrain Tools package and made available for use under the Unity Companion License. Information about these licences have been included within the relevant directories in Gaia.

Upgrade Policy:
Every year as we further develop our products we may charge an upgrade fee of 20-50% of the full purchase price for the next major release of our software. Our updates are done in sync with the yearly Unity release cycle i.e. 2020, 2021, 2022 etc.

You are not obliged to upgrade to newer versions of our products and your product will continue to work on the Unity release it was targeted at, however, old versions of our products will not be supported on new versions of Unity.

Upgrades support the team so that we can continue to support our products and you.

立即购买 GeNa Pro,为您的游戏创建精美的关卡,从而节省时间和金钱,这样您就可以专注于重要的游戏玩法,更快地进入市场。


相比之下,GeNa Pro 只需手工操作所需的一小部分时间,就能为您提供所需的内容、位置和环境。如果你第一次不喜欢 GeNa 为你做的东西,那就点击 "迭代",直到你喜欢为止,GeNa 会为你创造出各种变化!

GeNa Pro 可以生成任何东西。它可以沿着花键创建森林、河流和道路,放置建筑物并自动清理和平整地形,甚至可以创建整个地图,因为它会智能扫描您的地形,选择最佳地点创建村庄和城镇,并用道路将它们连接起来。GeNa 的强大功能令人难以置信。

GeNa Pro 还配备了强大的装饰系统,让您可以影响场景中的内容放置方式。您可以平整地形、清除树木和建筑物下的细节、将物体固定在地面上、添加随机变化、从子产卵器库中创建复杂的超级产卵器等等!

GeNa Pro 是《Gaia Pro 2021》(2020 年 Unity 最佳艺术工具奖)的完美伴侣,其设计灵感来自我们与 Crowfall 的合作,在 Crowfall 中广泛使用了 GeNa 和 Gaia!事实上,在他们主页上的视频中,Gaia 和 GeNa 创造了环境,而 Pegasus 则完成了镜头飞过和角色移动。好的工具和出色的人才创造了奇迹!

GeNa Pro 在运行时和设计时一样强大,在设计时考虑到了运行时 API 的控制和可扩展性,因此您可以扩展 GeNa Pro 并将其嵌入到自己的解决方案中。

作为免费奖励,GeNa Pro 还附带了 Gaia Pro 2021 的产卵器包和免费的 Flooded Grounds 模块化资产包,这样您就可以简单快速地创建 "能正常工作 "的环境,并在几分钟内就能开始运行自己的精彩关卡。请关注我们未来推出的更多产卵器包!

GeNa Pro 包含以下主要组件:
GeNa 产卵器: 将资产生成到场景中。
GeNa 地图生成器: 程序化创建并连接城镇。
GeNa 装饰器: 用影响生成的逻辑装饰资产。
GeNa 样条线 为 "产卵器 "和 "样条线扩展 "定义路径。
GeNa 河流 河流网络的专用样条线扩展。
GeNa 道路 道路网络的专用样条线扩展。


可通过 API 控制。

GeNa 需要计算着色器支持才能工作。


在 Procedural Worlds,我们的使命是让人们能够创建、自动运行和导航世界。我们的产品易于使用、集成度高、支持良好。

我们为独立制作人、专业人士和企业提供工具,并为工作室、企业和政府提供定制项目。我们的特别之处在于,我们既有深厚的程序化技术堆栈,又有令人惊叹的专家团队,我们利用这一独特的组合来创建应用程序、游戏、模拟游戏、地图绘制和 mmo / metaverse 体验,而所需的时间和成本仅为通常情况下的一小部分。查看我们的图库,然后联系我们。

我们是 Unity 合作伙伴、英特尔合作伙伴,自 2015 年首次推出 Gaia 以来,一直是顶级资产商店发布商。这段时间以来,我们的评价不言自明。

世界构建捆绑包 - 2021 版 - 使用这款超棒的捆绑包,我们最受欢迎的工具可再打八折。其中包括 Gaia Pro 2021、Gena Pro、Ambient Sounds、Pegasus 和 SECTR 2019。

Gaia Pro 2021 - Gaia 2 是 Gaia Pro 的入门版。Gaia 2 在原有 Gaia 1 的基础上进行了扩展,支持多地形和生物群落。

GeNa Pro - GeNa Pro 是 GeNa 2 的老大哥。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-5-21 12:00:53


发表于 2025-2-13 10:12:05
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