脚本/功能 【更新】Fast Line Renderer for Unity - GPU Line and Particle System 1.4.2

插件名称: Fast Line Renderer for Unity - GPU Line and Particle System
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/particles-effects/fast-line-renderer-for-unity-gpu-line-and-particle-system-54118
版本: 1.4.2
素材类型: 脚本/功能
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-5-22 16:51 编辑

Fast Line Renderer for Unity - GPU Line and Particle System 系列索引:

Fast Line Renderer for Unity - GPU Line and Particle System 1.3.4  下载链接
Fast Line Renderer for Unity - GPU Line and Particle System 1.4.0  下载链接
Fast Line Renderer for Unity - GPU Line and Particle System 1.4.1  下载链接

Fast Line Renderer works great on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android and iOS.

Created by jjxtra, author of [color=var(--color-font-cyan)]Procedural Lightning, Fast Line Renderer for Unity is a powerful, yet easy to use GPU based line renderer and particle system for Unity. CPU AND GPU performance is more than 10x what you will get from the Unity Line Renderer. Full C# source code and shader code is provided!

Fade, velocity, rotation, line caps and billboard are all run on the GPU in one draw call, freeing your CPU for more important tasks.

Fast Line Renderer contains an option to keep the lines the same radius regardless of distance too. See the included Readme.txt for details.

Curves and splines are a snap with a simple function call in the script. Even simple particle systems are possible - all run on the GPU!

Line joins include round, adjust position, attach or none. Easily create continuous or individual line segments - all without having to create additional meshes or objects. Easily clone fast line renderers by simply getting and setting the mesh from another fast line renderer.

Fast Line Renderer 在 Windows、MAC、Linux、Android 和 iOS 上运行良好。

Fast Line Renderer for Unity 由 Procedural Lightning 的作者 jjxtra 创建,是一款功能强大且易于使用的基于 GPU 的 Unity 线条渲染器和粒子系统。 CPU 和 GPU 性能是 Unity Line 渲染器性能的 10 倍以上。 提供完整的 C# 源代码和着色器代码!

淡入淡出、速度、旋转、线帽和广告牌都在一次绘制调用中在 GPU 上运行,从而释放 CPU 来执行更重要的任务。

快速线条渲染器还包含一个选项,可以使线条保持相同的半径,无论距离如何。 有关详细信息,请参阅随附的 Readme.txt。

曲线和样条线只需在脚本中调用简单的函数即可轻松完成。 即使是简单的粒子系统也是可能的 - 全部在 GPU 上运行!

线连接包括圆形、调整位置、附加或无。 轻松创建连续或单独的线段 - 无需创建额外的网格或对象。 只需从另一个快速线渲染器获取和设置网格,即可轻松克隆快速线渲染器。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-5-21 12:14:53
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