完整项目 【更新】Low Poly War Pack 3.10二战模型

插件名称: Low Poly War Pack
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/low-poly-war-pack-124419
版本: 3.10
素材类型: 完整项目

— Content —
- Various WW2 models
- Fun playable Demo Scenes
- Polyperfect Game System (tons of modular scripts)
- Soldier Controller, Car Controller, Plane Controller, Tank Controller,
Turret Controller and more
- 200 models
- Rigged characters
- Over 60 animation
- Including a mix of Root Motion and In-Place animation
- Mecanim support
- Sounds
- URP support watch
- VR/AR ready

— Script Features —
Unified Enemy and Ally behavior: Any feature added to one can be added to the other without additional code. Units now belong to factions, which can be allied or hostile to each other.

Physics-based Vehicles: Vehicles handle smoothly and respond accurately to physics.

Modularity: Variants of objects can be created by adding, removing, disabling, or otherwise individually altering the components and scripts on a GameObject. All units with Health can use the same Health script, etc.

In-editor Documentation: Every script has help boxes describing their use and noting which components are required. Mistakes in setup are highlighted in red.

Extensibility: Coding new behaviors has a clear path to avoid conflicts with other code files.

Observant UI: UI scripts observe and register with their targets instead of being driven by them, so units don't need UI to function and won't be broken if the UI is removed.

Fuzzy Logic System: AI Soldiers now care about ammo and health, and weapon pickups. They will seek out resources they are low on. They hold grudges even against allies and will seek out enemies or an objective.

Many Event Callbacks: Sound effects, animations, visual effects, and other things can be easily added or changed without altering any code. When writing custom code, these callbacks can be used so new behaviors use, instead of depending on, each other.

Nested Prefab and Variant based system: New behaviors and sound effects can be added to a base, and all prefabs that contain it or are variants of them will be updated, instead of having to copy and paste it to all and remember which things to put where.

Domain Reload-less Play Mode: All scripts support Enter Play Mode Options, reducing Enter Play Mode time by 95% or more for faster iteration.

— Models —
- Ammo (x6)
- Buildings (x18)
- Nature (x21)
- People (6x)
- Props (40x)
- Terrain (x7)
- Vehicles (x18)
- Weapons (x16)

- 内容
- 各种二战模型
- 有趣的可播放演示场景
- Polyperfect 游戏系统(大量模块化脚本)
- 士兵控制器、汽车控制器、飞机控制器、坦克控制器、
- 200 个模型
- 可装配的角色
- 60 多种动画
- 包括根运动和就地动画的组合
- 支持 Mecanim
- 声音
- 支持 URP 手表
- VR/AR 就绪

- 脚本功能
统一的敌人和盟友行为: 任何添加到其中一个的功能都可以添加到另一个,无需额外代码。单位现在属于派系,可以相互结盟或敌对。

基于物理原理的车辆: 车辆操作流畅,并能准确响应物理特性。

模块化: 可以通过添加、移除、禁用或以其他方式单独更改游戏对象上的组件和脚本来创建对象的变体。所有具有 “健康 ”功能的单位都可以使用相同的 “健康 ”脚本,等等。

编辑器内文档: 每个脚本都有帮助框说明其用途,并指出需要哪些组件。设置错误会以红色标出。

可扩展性 新行为的编码路径清晰,可避免与其他代码文件发生冲突。

观察型用户界面 用户界面脚本观察并注册其目标,而不是由目标驱动,因此单元不需要用户界面就能运行,即使用户界面被移除也不会被破坏。

模糊逻辑系统: AI 士兵现在会关心弹药和健康状况以及武器拾取情况。他们会寻找自己缺少的资源。它们甚至会记恨盟友,并会

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-5-30 11:38:33
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