编辑器拓展 【更新】Archimatix Pro 1.3.6

插件名称: Archimatix Pro
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/modeling/archimatix-pro-59733
版本: 1.3.6
素材类型: 编辑器拓展
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-7-17 12:06 编辑

Archimatix Pro系列索引:

Archimatix Pro 1.1.0  下载链接
Archimatix Pro 1.0.12  下载链接
Archimatix Pro 1.1.7  下载链接
Archimatix Pro 1.1.9  下载链接
Archimatix Pro 1.2.0  下载链接
Archimatix Pro 1.2.2  下载链接

Archimatix Pro 1.3.3  下载链接
Archimatix Pro 1.3.4  下载链接
Archimatix Pro 1.3.5  下载链接

Archimatix is a powerful node-based parametric modeling extension for Unity that helps you quickly create mutable props and rich, variable environments.

Archimatix ships with many game-ready example models featuring interactive handles that let you manipulate forms in realtime. For example, you can drag a handle for the length of the included Villa Apresto and more columns and arches will be added automatically to the model.

You can also roll your own parametric objects that are specific to your art direction. Archimatix features a node graph editor that puts all the power of modeling logic right at your fingertips. No coding required!

That being said, Archimatix also provides a simple turtle-based scripting environment to allow coders to define custom parametric shapes with scene handles and a C# API for developing custom nodes.

A key offering of Archimatix for artists is its rich 2D shape operations such as 2D Booleans, offset, rounding and thickening. The resulting compound shapes can be used to generate elaborate meshes, as well as paths to distribute objects.

Archimatix Pro now offers runtime features so that you can extend Archimatix magic to your players. In-game parametrics allows your players to modify levels on the fly and alter model forms, allowing you to unleash your players creativity while providing many opportunities for encouraging in-app purchases.

Key Features
• Node-based Graph Editor with Intuitive UI
• Library of Parametric Shapes and Objects
• Library Items You Make Can Be Shared via Email
• Interactive Editing with Scene View Handles
• Very Fast Realtime Editing, Even with Large Models
• Grid Snapping
• Nested Node Grouping
• 2D Shape Merging, Thickening, Offsetting and Rounding
• Relations with Mathematical Expressions
• Freeform Curve Editing
• Turtle Scripting for Custom Parametric Shapes
• Texture Scaling and Shifting to Align Both Repeating Textures and Atlases
• Automatic UV Mapping and UV2 Unwrapping
• Texel Budget Display
• Substance Support
• Collider and Rigidbody Controls
• Per-Node Static Flags
• Automatic Mesh Combination per Material
• Level of Detail Control
• Prefab Creation

The objective of parametric modeling with Archimatix is to author "smart models" – models capable of generating hundreds of unique forms and typologies. The faces and vertices of these models are not edited directly, as they would be in a polygonal modeler. Instead, meshes are non-destructively generated from the logic described by the models' node graphs.

Even though Archimatix is not a polygonal modeler, the standard meshes generated by Archimatix can be brought into ProBuilder, Megafiers and other packages that will further modify and customize your models.

Archimatix has been compared to standalone parametric modeling applications such as Houdini and Grasshopper in Rhino. While Archimatix is not yet as full-featured as these more mature parametric modelers, it is easier to learn and geared more specifically to the modeling of architectural game environments. Archimatix also offers the benefit of creating environments right in the Unity editor for iterative rapid prototyping and testing cycles.

Archimatix does not currently support true CSG operations such as 3D Booleans.

Archimatix can make urban-like distributions, but, in the current release, it is not yet a true city-generator.

Archimatix 是 Unity 功能强大的基于节点的参数建模扩展,可帮助您快速创建可变道具和丰富多变的环境。

Archimatix 随附了许多可用于游戏的示例模型,这些模型具有交互式手柄,可让您实时操作窗体。例如,你可以拖动一个手柄来控制 Apresto 别墅的长度,更多的柱子和拱门就会自动添加到模型中。

您还可以根据自己的艺术方向,创建自己的参数对象。Archimatix 具有一个节点图编辑器,可让建模逻辑的所有功能触手可及。无需编码!

尽管如此,Archimatix 还提供了一个简单的基于海龟的脚本环境,允许编码人员使用场景句柄和用于开发自定义节点的 C# API 定义自定义参数形状。

Archimatix 为艺术家提供的一项重要功能是丰富的 2D 形状操作,如 2D 布尔运算、偏移、圆角和加厚。由此产生的复合形状可用于生成精细的网格以及分布对象的路径。

Archimatix Pro 现在还提供运行时功能,让您可以将 Archimatix 的魔力扩展到玩家身上。游戏中的参数化功能允许玩家即时修改关卡并改变模型形式,让您尽情释放玩家的创造力,同时为鼓励应用内购买提供了很多机会。

- 具有直观用户界面的基于节点的图形编辑器
- 参数形状和对象库
- 可通过电子邮件共享您创建的库项目
- 使用场景视图手柄进行交互式编辑
- 即使是大型模型也能进行快速实时编辑
- 网格捕捉
- 嵌套节点分组
- 二维形状合并、加厚、偏移和圆角处理
- 数学表达式关系
- 自由曲线编辑
- 自定义参数形状的 Turtle 脚本
- 纹理缩放和移动,对齐重复纹理和图集
- 自动 UV 贴图和 UV2 解包
- Texel 预算显示
- 材质支持
- 对撞机和刚体控制
- 每节点静态标志
- 每个材质的自动网格组合
- 详细程度控制
- 预制件创建

使用 Archimatix 进行参数化建模的目的是创建 "智能模型"--能够生成数百种独特形式和类型的模型。这些模型的面和顶点不会像在多边形建模器中那样被直接编辑。相反,网格是根据模型节点图描述的逻辑非破坏性生成的。

尽管 Archimatix 不是多边形建模器,但 Archimatix 生成的标准网格可以导入 ProBuilder、Megafiers 和其他软件包,从而进一步修改和定制模型。

Archimatix 可与 Houdini 和 Grasshopper 等独立参数化建模应用程序相媲美。虽然 Archimatix 还没有这些更成熟的参数化建模软件功能齐全,但它更容易学习,而且更适合建筑游戏环境建模。Archimatix 还可以在 Unity 编辑器中直接创建环境,从而实现快速原型迭代和测试周期。

Archimatix 目前不支持真正的 CSG 操作,如 3D 布尔运算。

Archimatix 可以制作类似城市的分布图,但在当前版本中,它还不是真正的城市生成器。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-6-4 15:54:52
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