脚本/功能 【更新】RaycastPro 1.0.5

插件名称: RaycastPro
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/raycastpro-214714
版本: 1.0.5
素材类型: 脚本/功能

RaycastPro is a complete and unique collection of practical tools along 80 components, whether you equip your character with sensors, whether it's environmental detection or AI. Perhaps going further, it maximizes the ability to modify and control Rays by offering its creative tools, and even provides you with a complete and super-fast system for crafting a variety of weapons and easily controll them.

Some of the important features of RaycastPro compared to alternatives:
Gizmos are processed Live during editor. Using the AAA model, all appear and disappear automatically as not to disturb view on testing phase. ✔
Covers 3D and 2D completely with their appropriate features. ✔
The Rays completly able to cover a Line Renderer in their path and hold an auxiliary Transform at the point of collision. ✔
RaycastPro's powerful API eliminates the need for any calculations, including surface color detection or surface material. ✔
Easy to use with Full event since begin and end detection for whose don't like the code. In the code, only the Cast() method is sufficient in all tools. ✔
Various detectors of collection maximize control over Game mechanism, they quickly provide an accurate LOS with perfect blocking system just by a few time. In addition, they are optimized as much as possible with Non Allocating coverage, Manuel casting and Pulse gap time, ofcourse correct commands. ✔
RaycastPro provides a fast modular weapon crafting system. For example, by connecting some Rays as gun barrels to Advance Caster, it will make a Minigun in short of time with various type of bullet mechanism.✔
Planars are creative tools for breaking Ray lines or reflecting even hard path rays! If you need to split Rays to 5 or reflect a Wave, it is waiting for you. ✔
You are not supposed to just follow the instructions according to the plugin's wishes. The flexibility of the tools is such that you can freely and arbitrarily implement whatever is necessary personally. ✔

Here I note some of special facilities, which are definitely more than these:
Reflect Ray: One of 20 rays with the possibility of direct display in the editor, along with setting the size, laser line and limitation of the number of reflections are among the features that are well covered for both 2D and 3D.

RaycastPro 是一个完整而独特的实用工具集合,包含 80 个组件,无论是为角色配备传感器,还是环境检测或人工智能。也许更进一步,它通过提供创意工具,最大限度地提高了修改和控制射线的能力,甚至还为您提供了一个完整、超快的系统,用于制作各种武器并轻松控制它们。

与其他软件相比,RaycastPro 的一些重要功能如下
在编辑过程中实时处理 Gizmos。使用 AAA 模型,所有小工具都会自动出现和消失,以免在测试阶段干扰视图。✔
完全覆盖 3D 和 2D,并具有相应的功能。✔
RaycastPro 强大的 API 无需进行任何计算,包括表面颜色检测或表面材质。✔
易于使用完整的事件开始和结束检测,适合不喜欢代码的用户。在代码中,所有工具只需使用 Cast() 方法即可。✔
各种集合检测器可最大限度地控制游戏机制,只需数分钟即可快速提供具有完美阻塞系统的精确 LOS。此外,它们还尽可能优化了非分配覆盖范围、Manuel 施法和脉冲间隙时间,当然还有正确的指令。✔
RaycastPro 提供快速的模块化武器制作系统。例如,将一些射线连接成枪管

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-6-5 09:40:15
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